Sunday, January 21, 2018

How much snake rail fence...

do you need to game ACW?  Any game in the East American countryside whether ACW or AWI will require LOTS of fences.

Fence Me!

As seen in the last post, a lot of ACW stuff has shown up at my house so I've been diligently diving into the packs and decided that I'd first tackle the fences.  Because building fences is easy and quick.  Just cut up a piece to make spacers for the ends, and glue the 'logs' down in a zig zag pattern.

I've been using BTC fence kits for awhile now and I like the way they turn out.  I decided not to put them on any bases, so in theory they could be put down on any color terrain.  Now the kit says it can made about 5 feet worth of fence but I've never gotten that much out of them, though I probably build mine higher and more zig-zaggy than normal.  is Zig-zaggy a word?  Maybe something more intelligent sounding like 'mine are made with a more pronounced Zig-zag."

No pics of the building process, it'd be too boring.

I make mine in either a short section of about 3" and a long of about 5".  The idea being that a combination of those 2 sizes can be make any length I might need.

The two lengths of fences (3" on right, 5" on the left) with a small 6 base unit for comparison. 

Over the last week or so at night while watching TV I've been building fences and I rather quickly went through the two packs that I ordered.  I didn't think to keep the new fences separate so I don't know how much was made just from those two packs, I just threw the completed sections in with previous built ones.  I think in total that I've probably assembled 6 of these fence kits in bursts over time, buying 1 or 2 here and there.  By the end of  this burst I was curious about how many feet of fence I had total so I laid them out for measurement. Seems like a handy thing to know;

I pushed back the pile of ACW miniature packages and laid out the fences end to end on the hobby desk

I also threw in some 4ground fences that I got from Dai when I bought his ACW stuff; these don't really match but I'll probably use them anyway, or maybe to differentiate a normal fence from a 'stout fence' if needed.

each length across the green mat is 2 feet long at least.  13 rows plus a half = 27 feet total!  That seems like a lot to me, though maybe not enough to build any battlefield I might ever want to.

And because 15/18mm is the best scale ever, it all fits into a small storage box!

Maybe hard to tell in this picture: This container is 6" by 10.5", and little less than 3" deep.  


  1. 27 feet of fencing is a lot but even that amount can be consumed quickly on an ACW battlefield. I wish I had that much fencing!

    1. It does indeed get used up very quickly: figure like 6 feet per area that I want to defined by having fences / fields. But still a good start!

  2. I must make myself some of these. Been meaning to for a while. Maybe the trick is to set up the production line front of the TV.

    1. Extra points if you watch something historical while doing it! πŸ˜€

      It was a good way to spend time with the wife but also do hobbies.

  3. I have a fair amount of meterage of fences for the ACW in resin from a local Australian supplier. I do like the mdf ones as well and your box of supplies looks pretty impressive indeed.

    1. It looks impressive because I used trick photography! πŸ˜€

  4. Never enough! Another thing I have on the horizon, probably going to use matchsticks for mine though, at least do a trial with them anyway.

    1. There’s always more fence on the horizon. πŸ˜€. I also tried match sticks at first but ultimately decided that they didn’t match the blue moon miniatures. And toothpicks also seemed to small. I really do like the BTC sticks though.

  5. Wow, what a beautiful, spectacular and useful collection!

    1. Ahhh. Too much. Useful for sure, not sure about those other words. πŸ˜€

  6. 27 feet is still not enough. Get on it. ;)

    Those that I sold you were made by 4Ground, incase any were wondering.

    1. But I’m all out of fence kits! But the 4ground fences will find use, thank you for those. πŸ˜€

  7. Nice fencing, the only place I paint figures is on the sofa with the TV on if I'm at home, the shed is for games and sometimes terrain, I'm pretty poor as far as terrain is concerned!
    Best Iain

  8. Thanks C, sometimes I enjoy making terrain more than painting figures. I’m lucky to have a dedicated hobby room in order start and leave out projects. But I would like a shed!

  9. Thanks for the link Stew, now following.
