Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Blog birthday; 3 years of Terrible Loss

Let's celebrate with some funky fresh beats..

"keep it going keep it going keep it going full STEAM
Stewie B (that's me) on the blogging SCENE
I'm not fat, but I'm not LEAN
I like to write about war-game-ING
Here I am with a brand new POST
Read it with some jam and TOAST
Not one to brag, not one to BOAST
3 years down and let's make the MOST...
...of it."  

I'm like a long lost Beastie Boy.  Really long lost...

3 Years of Blogging

That seemed to go fast, I must be getting older.  End of July is the blog birthday; 3 years is not a terribly long time compared to other blogs but I'm still new enough to the blogging world that it's a worthy benchmark to celebrate.  I imagine it's like being married; during the early years you celebrate each little anniversary but once you've been married for a decade or so you only celebrate the significant milestones.  But unlike marriage you can quit blogging as soon as it gets too fat and bossy, go find yourself a young new blog with enough energy to take care of the children so you can have more hobby time ......  I got distracted.  

As I have before, I like to spend the blog birthday talking my blogging experience. 
Blogging has become very much part of my routine now, and I have found that it really improves my enjoyment of the hobby.  Mainly because it provides a way to interact with others about miniature wargaming and share thoughts, projects, opinions, information, and etc.. It's that wargame club mentality that I talked about before.  For me it's a big tent and everyone is welcome.

It also helps me feel more engaged in my hobby.  There is a drive to actually get stuff painted and posted.  And during those periods where there isn't much time for painting due to work and family, there a fun opinion and review posts to write that help keep me motivated and feeling involved.  

I think that everyone who writes a blog wants people to read it.  I know I do, otherwise I would just write my little thoughts down in my secret diary that I keep under the bed.  So I am pleased that in 3 years the blog has 62 followers; that's about 60 more than I thought it would ever have.  Course I don't think that means 62 people actually read the blog (I mean there blogs on my follow list that I don't read much, not you, not YOUR blog, I mean those other blogs).  

And I have no idea if 62 followers over 3 years is a respectable number or not. 

I’ve been periodically looking at the stats that blogger provides; and I’ve figured out that a new post reaches over 100 hits in about a week and a half.  I feel that is a fair number.  Older posts have higher numbers as time goes on.  The number also goes up if I link to forum like TMP which I do every once in a while if I think it’s especially interesting.  These numbers might be influenced by bots, but I like to think that 100 ish people check out the blog on a consistent basis.  Gives me the warm fuzzes. 

At the time of writing this blog of A Terrible Loss of Lead and Wealth has generated 63,691 views.  The top 3 posts are 

DIY Wargame mat

Hail Caesar Sheildwall Supplement Review

DIY wargame roads (and fields)

I just find that interesting, just goes to show what people are searching for in google. 

Of course, all these numbers are kinda meaningless overall since I could get all the traffic in the world and there’s no profit from it.  Because in the end, I’m all about them dollars. Least I still like the name of the blog.  It's kinda funny and kinda sad, just like me.  

But I am sincerely pleased that the number of comments that each post generates has gone up over the years; averaging these days at around 24 comments (well 12 comments, as the other 12 are me replying).  And the number of what I call “Symbiotic Blogging Relationships” has also increased.    This is the circle of bloggers that regularly leave comments on my blog and I return the favor by regularly leaving comments on their blog; creating a circle of mutual encouragement.  These I like best.  As Norm has pointed out correctly (and I usually take almost everything Norm says as correct); it’d be impossible to comment on everything and every post that you come across in the wild world of the internet.  It would just take too much time, and there is SO much stuff out there.  For free even.  So I take it as a real compliment when someone bothers to leave a comment here.  Even if just a short one, because time is what really matters in this life.  To the people who give me their time, it seems fair for me to give them mine.  I do enjoy reading other people's blogs and leaving comments.  And it doesn’t even really matter so much what the blog content is, as I kinda like all things miniature wargaming (and board gaming).  But what I love is the interaction and making online friendships.  So to all you Best Blogging Buddies out there, old and new, thank you for your encouragement.  It can be weird to think that some of you have been online friends for years now, and we’ve never met.  We might never meet, and it would be my loss.

The only (slightly) negative to blogging is that I feel a self imposed pressure in two areas:

1) That I want to post regularly.  When someone stumbles onto the blog I want them to see that the blog is active and being updated.  I think people are more likely to follow a blog if they see that it's still producing content.  2-3 times a month is not an onerous schedule (especially because more often than not it's two times) but it can be hard to keep up.  If too long goes by without a post I begin to feel neglectful.  It's kinda like exercise where if you skip it too much you get out of the habit.  Except blogging is better than exercise because it doesn't involve getting out of breath and sweaty.  It's not that I don;t have plenty of topics in my brain.  There are a ton of topics out there.  Which leads me to number 2..

2) That I want each post to be good.  "Good" is subjective of course.  After 3 years I'm still defining my winning formula for 'a good blog post but I got the basic format nailed down.  I like my posts to be a little longer than a typical post but not too long.  I want included some humor, some pretty pics, some format with a beginning, a middle and an end.  Sometimes include some personal information so that you see I'm human and you'll want to be my friend.  I want good editing and few typos.  I want a positive feel.  I would love it if each post was interesting and had something to say.  

I know I am over thinking it.  It's just a silly wargaming blog.  But that's part of the fun.  We're all responsible grown ups with a silly hobby and spending time talking about it together.  Especially during these stressful times of pandemic and unrest I hope this blog is a pleasant distraction.  

So...But No Wargaming Content in this Post Then? 


Course not, it's much too late for that.  Wargaming content shall resume shortly.  Thank you for celebrating 3 years of blogging with me.  I think I'm out of the rookie blogger phase and into the next, whatever that might be called.  

Thank you for your time and thanks for reading. 



  1. Happy Birthday :-) One of the things I like most about the blog scene is that generally it is filled with people who want to creatively share and by nature is a positive, polite and friendly small acre of internet.

    1. Thanks Norm. As I say in the post, I take everything you say to be correct. πŸ˜€

  2. Very Happy Birthday sir!
    (and the wargame mat is an excellent post )

    Echo Norm's points - except for the blokes that I game with. They're not polite and friendly at all. Ignorant bstards to a man ;)

    1. Thanks Gobin! I do like my homemade war game mat.

      And it sounds like you need an upgrade in company. πŸ˜€

  3. Happy Birthday, buddy! I always anticipate your postings knowing that you will have something funny to say or a different spin on some topic whether about wargaming or Real Life. I imagine you would be quite fun to face at the table. Not sure which would give me more concern, having you on my side of the table or in opposition. Either would be priceless, I think.

    Here's to many more years at the keyboard, my friend!

    1. Thanks very much! I appreciate it.

      I’m great fun at the table. Modest too. Ask anyone. πŸ˜€

  4. Happy blog birthday! Three years for a blog is pretty good, because I think plenty of people start blogging with all the enthusiasm in the world and then it sort of peters out. It can be hard to get back into the groove of blogging once you stop... which I have done more than once.

    1. Thanks Laz! When this Covid thing is over we need to set up a game together. You’re on my list of people to invite. πŸ˜€

    2. That would be swell!

      I forgot to mention yesterday how much I appreciated the pseudo-Beastie Boys.

    3. Thanks Laz. I’m pretty sure I nailed it. πŸ˜€
      It’s to the tune of the bridge in Intergalactic. As if that wasn’t obvious....

  5. Make that 63,694! I just checked those posts you linked to! Awesome looking mat! Also congrats on your milestones and followers! Well deserved sir!

    1. Thanks very much! I’m not sure any of that stuff is significant in any way. But I’m kinda proud that this silly blog is around. πŸ˜€

  6. Brilliant post Stew and congrats on the blog birthday πŸ˜€
    I feel the same way about what you've termed “Symbiotic Blogging Relationships”, it's a huge reason why I blog (though I'm way behind on an update myself 🀦‍♂️)
    Reading your blog over the years and the way you write, I see us very much cut from the same cloth, and as others have said you would be a blast to have at the same table. Cheers mate!

    1. Thanks Ivor. I appreciate it.

      I like to name things. It’s a hold over from my useless philosophy degree.

      I’ll take you and I being from the same cloth as a compliment. πŸ˜€

  7. Happy Blog b'day #3! It's been fun following along and watching it grow--at this point, I think you can consider yourself an established bloggist! Looking forward to the next 3 years!

    1. Thanks very much Ed. I think 5 years is the establishment point. It’s a nice easy number. πŸ˜€

  8. 3 years, congrats, always a pleasure to come here!

    1. Thanks you very much Phil. Likewise to you. πŸ˜€

  9. Congratulations on your third birthday Stew - you're really up and running now and I would say you have a healthy number of followers - so well done. As someone new to blogging my thoughts are you have to be doing it for you first and for your reader second. If it's interesting and adds something to the hobby people, people will comment and the fact you respond to each and every comment makes a real difference to their experience. I do believe that it is more difficult to pick up followers these days. Such is life. Cheers Greg

    1. Thank you very much Greg. I was gonna do something cheeky and respond to everyone’s comment but yours but good manners got the best of me. πŸ˜€
      I agree that you have to blog what you are excited about, otherwise it’d be even more of a chore.

  10. Happy 3rd blogday Stew, the interactions are what make it fun, for a certain definition of fun. Like you I try to post regularly but at the moment I am finding it hard to come up with topics, nothing recently completed and no AARs to post. Hopefully that should change soon with our club restarting this Friday.


    1. Thanks Tony. I sometimes struggle to find topics these days with little gaming being done, and then my hobby time has a tendency to wax and wane as well. What to post on a miniature war gaming blog then? I’ll try to break out some sort of pithy opinion piece, but I find those harder to write. πŸ˜€

  11. Congratulations on your blog, I have always found it entertaining and informative. Keep up the fine work!

    1. Thanks Anton! Right back at you but in spades, since you actually have talent and skill. πŸ˜€

  12. Good lord Stew... That attempt at rapping... you should be shot.

    But I digress - happy blog birthday! Am glad I convinced you to get in on this lark and it seems this happy little corner of the interwebs seems to get better and better and more and more fun. Keep up the great hobby work, and keep up the always (Beastie Boys rambles aside) entertaining writing!

    1. Whaddya mean attempt??!! I totally NAILED IT.
      I admit it loses a little something just being written down but it sounded awesome when I was singing it in the shower.

      Yes, I have you to blame / credit for this whole thing. Thanks!

      Now invite me over soon. πŸ˜€

    2. That really does need to happen, doesn't it? I just need to get more stuff painted up first so I can present a "Stew-type" of a game where everything is provided and all you need to do is turn up.

  13. Congrats on reaching an important milestone Stew! Agree with all you wrote - wise words mixed with great humour! πŸ˜„

    1. Thanks Mike. Glad it rang a cord with you. πŸ˜€

  14. Three years is an excellent anniversary and you said everything so well about blogging that I can only agree with all that you said :) I'm really glad to follow your blog and for all your support. It is great to be part of something where we all are motivating each other too. That may very well be the most rewarding part of all!

    1. Thanks Kuribo for the kind words and catching up with this silly blog. I enjoy our online friendship. πŸ˜€

  15. Happy birthaversary! I agree with your comments on how blogging builds a community. It's almost like having pen pals, or something. One of the best parts of blogging for me has also been being able to look back. Even if you only ever record and speak to your hobby, the record reflects the various milestones and events of your life. Enjoy it, and keep on going!

    1. Thanks Markus! Pen pals is a good way to describe it. I didn’t address the record aspect but you are certainly right. Thanks for the encouragement. πŸ˜€

  16. Well that was quite verbose, even for you! About half way through I had an inexplicable urge to grab a double single malt and find someone to hug! Happy third Blogday Stew. P.S. My 20 year old daughter thinks your blogging is really atrocious! 🀣

    1. Thanks Vol! I hope your hand is healing well.
      I knew it was getting a little long but it just kept going. I’m not sure if you needing a drink and a hug half way through is a good or bad thing. πŸ˜€
      I’m pretty sure that when young people these days say atrocious it actually means awesome.
      Ok, I made that bit up.

    2. Haha! It was a good thing. It was the "But I am sincerely pleased...." paragraph that did it. Made me thnk of buddies having a few too many and getting a little mushy about the frienship. Not bad, but enough for a scotch. Any excuse should not be wasted!
      Saw the doc yesterday and he took 5 of the 11 stitches out and replaced them with adhesive closure strips. It will most likely be another week before the rest come out.

    3. Ah! Sounds good then! Take it easy with the injury please. πŸ˜€

  17. I really enjoy your blog and love your sense of humour, you’ve never failed to make me laugh. I’m probably guilty of being one of those silent lurkers that visits blogs but says nothing. Maybe I should, but “wow, that’s great” or “thanks, you made me laugh” seems a bit light and frothy and a bit, so what? But maybe I should, it would be courteous if nothing else. Anyhow keep up the fine work and congratulations on three years.

    1. Thanks TP. I really enjoy your blog as well, and yours has the added bonus that you’re a really talented modeler.
      I do know that even short comments are appreciated but I get your point. That’s probably why other social media platforms have a liked function. Feel free to leave comments here or not depending on the occasion. I am glad the blog makes you laugh. πŸ˜€

  18. Happy blog birthday! Mine is sometime in January and like you I was nagged by Dai into doing it, something along the lines of, you've got a blog, post something! Always entertaining but please no more sub Beastie boys!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks very much Iain. I see that Dai’s positive influence is everywhere. πŸ˜€
      And the rap was awesome. It’s really the best bit of the whole post.

  19. That is some excellent rapping lol. Happy blog birthday.

    1. Thanks very much Pat.
      Everyone who enjoyed the rap are now my number 1 favorite people on the internet. Everyone else are just, you know, second favorites. πŸ˜€

  20. Stew your blog is one of my most enjoyable visits as I am always informed, delightfully so with some of the wonderful gear you create, and always always amused by your writing style. Keep it going my lad

    1. Thanks very much Carlo. Much appreciated. πŸ˜€
