A post where I do minor things somewhat badly.
Fast Times
It's been hectic times over the last couple of weeks here. Feels like things go at a breakneck pace and then suddenly stop. Like everyone. You know the feeling.
I lost a few nights of convention prep due to this little known holiday called Easter. Maybe you've heard of it. To some people it's a big deal. In-laws visit. My wife is sometimes a Catholic and Easter becomes a thing. Also for small children who like egg hunts and such activities, it's a thing. For my own part, I needed to make the traditional Easter Egg racing track. Which is a creation of cardboard and masking tape to make various ramps on a large plank, placed onto stairs, and eggs roll down.
Egg racing in action. My shirt states my favorite drink, in case anyone thought I was thirty. |
The Monday after Easter Sunday is Ceasar Chavez day. It's probably a holiday that you've never heard of just like that What's-It's-Name Bunny holiday. What's important about CC Day is that it's a California State holiday; and I being an employee of the state, had it off. No one else does. Kids go to school, and Mexican restaurants have specials.
The key to a good marriage is communication. It's what any marriage counselor is going to tell you (there, I saved you a session). I 'communicated' to the wife about twice during the week that on Monday I wanted some time to do the battlefield project. Typically, I do all my hobbyness late at night after everyone is asleep. But this project had to be done during the daytime and EVEN WORSE, done outside. Nothing good happens outside.
What I wanted was a few hours, what I got was 40 minutes. Even that was interrupted by her saying "hey, I have to go to the store, can you watch the 3 year old for a little bit?"
Hubby minutes, like hubby points, have a very low exchange rate.
Battlefield Fail
In order to make the battlefield for the Wooden Wars, just something that marks out 'this is where we are playing" I decided the easiest and cheapest way would be to get a painting drop cloth and paint it up like ground. I have all this left over paint from various painting projects anyway so that's no worry. At the hardware store I looked for canvas drop cloth, thinking that something around 8 feet by 10 feet would work.
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An exciting picture. |
closest thing was either 6x9 or this 9x12. Being American and "bigger is always better" I got the 9x12. (only exceptions to bigger is better? my stomach and my wife's ass).
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Set it up in the backyard. |
I was rushing and didn't really have a plan. I had a hodge podge of left over paint cans / colors. I would just throw on various shades of browns / greens, whatever, and see what happens.
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Well, not done. I ran out of time and had to do other stuff. I also vastly underestimated how much paint would be needed and ran out of appropriate colors. Painting, even with a large brush was pretty slow work. Got about half of it done.
So leaving it dry outside while I did other things like pick up the kids from school, hit the grocery store, and hiding my frustration and doing a minor thing rather poorly.
Hooray for French Hussars
The weekend after Bunny Day (or whatever it's called), my family had yet another holiday but only in significance to us; Son #2's sixth birthday. It's a thing. There are decorations. In-Laws visit.
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Blowing out the candle. |
But as I am master of scheduling and late night coloring, I finished the French Cav. for Wooden Wars.
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French Hussar No lie, it took me a solid minute to work out that these guys aren't actually wearing the little jacket, but it's draped over the shoulder. I'm SURE there is a good reason for that. |
I did an image search for French Hussar Uniform and got a billion different versions. So this one is what I settled on.
That the French army complete. I still have the British Cav to do and the game is this Saturday. I see some late nights ahead. Gonna need a lot of my favorite drink.
Not to mention prepping for the OTHER games I'm running this weekend. I'm not quite the master scheduler Afterall.
Though to be honest, it's not imperative that I finish the British cav, it'll just be nice. But what is imperative is that battlefield to play on.
Battlefield Partial Success
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starting again. later in the day than I wanted. Notice where the shadow of the house is. |
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done! See how far that shadow moved? |
Actually Stew I thought the canvas looked pretty good. First half you did was better mind you. As to the cavalry they look really splendid. Never mind chucking balls at them I’d have been tempted to do some « proper » gaming with them.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mark. The canvas isn’t awful, just one of those things where reality doesn’t match the minds eye you know?
DeleteI’m sure the flats could be used in some real wargaming fashion as well. ๐
Hey Stew, thanks as always for the amusing update on your life/gaming.
ReplyDeleteThat mat looks like it will be good for its intended purpose, which is to cover the ground and show off your troops. Sure, the first half looks better, but that means it is just the photogenic side. Put the Hussars on that side for their glorious charges.
Thanks David. Glad you enjoyed it. We’re both living that life right now.
DeleteI like the idea of it having a more photogenic side. ๐
A laugh out loud post as usual Stew....I often have similar communication issues with my wife! I have taken to emailing her from work that I have a game on Sunday xx April, so that I have proof that I told her when the preceding Saturday rolls around!
ReplyDeleteThe gaming mat looks OK although I do agree, the first half is nicer. The hussars look great!
Thanks Kieth. I should try emailing or texting as well. I’m sure that will improve communication. Sometimes we do sit together and sync our calendars which also helps. ๐
DeleteNice colouring in on those hussars; the jacket is called a pelisse- wearing it on one shoulder was originally to protect like a shield, but it then became simply style, like your 30 T shirt.....☺
ReplyDeleteHaven't you realised men and women speak different languages?; this only increases after marriage....
The cloth sort of looks like the boundary between "lushland" and "drysville" you could set the armies up on each side of the border......call it intentional! ☺
Thanks Neil. I knew it was something silly like that. How anyone could fight with empty sleeves whirling around is beyond to me. ๐
DeleteOh I know ALL ABOUT the different languages. I imagine she feels the same way. Everyone just has to try harder.
There, saved everyone another session. ๐
Hussars looking great sir!
ReplyDeleteThanks Michal. ๐
DeleteGood luck to you, master scheduler. A thought on your ground cloth: a few cans of spray paint might do the trick to quickly cover up and blend things together.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ed. I thought of that, but when I was at the store buying the next patch of paint it didn’t have any spray paint in the right colors in matte. Only gloss.
DeleteThe mat is ‘alright’ now, but shinny would spoil the effect further.
The egg-racing game is just the sort of thing I would have enjoyed when I was your children's age, and the cavalry looks great Stew. Perhaps as others have said a bit of a light go-over on the second half of that mat would better blend things in, but then they always look different with terrain and figures on top anyway.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lawrence. The whole family likes the races. We have racing heats and winner brackets and the winner gets a small trophy. ๐
DeleteI have no more time, so the mat will have to do. I’ll use it this weekend for the game and probably for the Cubscout battle. After that, I’d be tempted just to start over on it.
The egg race looks superb …. too good to let kids get involved. I wan’t one!
ReplyDeleteThanks Norm. It’s a fun tradition.
DeleteYou CAN have one. All you need is cardboard, duct tape, a sharp box cutter, and stairs. ๐
I have had a few tabletop mat failures. I eventually learned to really water down the paint and apply in layers until you get the right colour, the sponge on browns and greys, very watered down again.
ReplyDeleteThanks Peter. That sounds like a good process.
DeleteI’m convinced that if I had more time, more prep, and less distractions it could’ve been better.
I must’ve said “don’t step there, that’s wet paint” about 30 times while the boys helped on the second go round. ๐
Great looking Hussars Stew! I am sure the mat will look great with the figures on it.
ReplyDeleteIn the last photo of the Hussars it looks like the horse on the right is snickering at it rider's fashion choices. Great painting ๐
Thanks Ben. I’m sure it’ll be presentable, just not quite what I was thinking you know?
DeleteHorses can be tough critics. ๐
Of course bigger is better. You now have a good part and a part to be reworked. Canvas accepts lots of paint. At least you had the good sense to avoid hardware cloth(landscape cloth).
ReplyDeleteThanks P. The canvas did take WAY more paint than I anticipated.
DeleteWhen/ if the time comes, I’ll probably just have an attempt at a new mat. ๐
Lovely looking hussar, the mat will be fine but yes watered-down is tge way to go, or prime it with chalk mixed with melted down rabbit skin and bones cooked on a single ring with 2 galvanised buckets like we used to do in the old days to prime canvas, oh and we have a family WhatsApp group that I post my game dates so they are down in black and white, at least on my phone so that I can say well it was on the WhatsApp group some time ago!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain caveadsum1471
Thanks Iain. That must of been sometime ago.
DeleteFor me: game dates aren’t so much the problem. It’s trying to do anything while the kids are around as my wife tends to let/have me do everything. ๐
The cavalry look excellent Stewart, and hopefully you will get the British finished in time. At least you got a battlefield in time, and at a later point you can always go back and make improvements if you want to.
ReplyDeleteI believe Easter is an excuse to eat chocolate (like I need an excuse ! LOL).
Thanks Dave. Yeah, the battlefield/ play area was the critical piece.
DeleteThough I’ve made a dent in the British cav already. ๐
The communication part made me chuckle Stew! The Hussars look great and I wouldn't sweat about the games mat, as anyone taking part will be focusing on the great figures and having lots of fun too:).
ReplyDeleteThanks Steve. Glad you had a chuckle and I’m sure you’re right about everything else. ๐
DeleteI like those hussars! We will make a Napoleonic gamer if you yet. No egg races like that at our house sadly...mind you our's is a single level house. I also liked the first part of the battlefield painting effort. Keep with it, but I found it was better to start with a green fabric and then apply green, yellow and brown tones to it. I used spray cans too which gives you a bit more control of the colour blend. I remember spraying a very large cloth once in the back yard with the neighbours peering out of the window at me probably thinking "what's that wierdo up to now?"
ReplyDeleteThanks Mark. Good advice for next time.
DeleteThe Nieghbor kid did poke his head over the fence and ask what we were up to. ๐
Progress is progress! Sorry to hear things have been both busy and very stop and start. That can definitely be frustrating. I didn't know California had a Cesar Chavez day but I can totally understand why. That means I learned something today by reading this humble blog ;) I think the progress on the wooden warriors looks great and I don't think the mat looks bad at all. Its probably better than what my first attempt would look like!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jeff. Well in the end everything got done that was needed so… good nuff.
DeleteEverything in this hobby is a learning process. ๐
Great job on those hussars! The mat, well, I have to agree the first half is way better….
ReplyDeleteThanks Mike. I think we all agree. Time to burn it and start over. ๐
DeleteHaha, great post Stew. Does your wife read your posts? That ass comment would have quickly ended my existence!
ReplyDeleteDid you ever work in a carnival? I did a summer at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia when I was 17 and ran a roll down just like yours.
Your cavalry men really pop with those crisp colors. They look great!
Thanks Vol. No, my wife never has. Probably for the best.
DeleteI have worked in a carnival environment once a. Long time ago actually.
They said I was extra outgoing so could do the carni call, you know, the “step right up step right up and try your luck here. You too can be a winner!…” and so on. ๐