Believe it or not; my fun hobby is NOT painting miniatures to an acceptable wargaming tabletop standard but is actually playing miniature wargames with said miniatures. Go figure.
A Pic heavy post and kinda wordy. Like ALL GOOD blog posts.
Games Actually Played
I did good in March and actually got to play in 3 games. Cup. Runneth. Over.
Maybe this year I can redeem myself and actually get to call myself a miniature warGAMER.
The Old Standard
Early in the month I was able to attend a game at the club hosted by good friend Mr. AS of Brigade Fire and Fury with his 10mm troops. ACW with Fire and Fury? Playing almost all day on a Saturday while the wife is stuck at home with the kids? Kinda my old Gold standard of a good time.
I was assigned as the Union CiC (as is only proper) who were attacking some CSA (who else?). I took the largest force with 3 divisions stating that as the CiC it was required and because I know the rules really well I could handle it but really it was because I am GREEDY gamer and wanted a lot of troops to command.
My 3 divisions are tasked with pushing some CSA off the wooded ridgeline. My cunning plan; to run right at them. Though as seen by the arrows I would also use my extra men to wrap around the flank.
The DOOMED troops of the CSA lining the ridge. I really like the look of BFF in 10mm.
I didn't take any more good pictures. I was busy playing and talking, and also I tend to act as a second GM (with permission) so when I should be taking pictures when it's not my turn I'm actually helping the other guy run through the rules.
I did have the classic Fire and Fury charge result, that some people loathe but I actually think is awesome. Charge combat is an opposed roll off with D10s. My roll is +5, his roll is -3. I look at him and say "just don't roll a 10." He rolls a 10 and the whole table erupts in laughter (making his total 7). I look at my die and say "anything but a 1." I roll a 1 (making my total 6, he wins) and the whole table erupts again with added Rebel Yells. It's awesome when that happens, even if it happens to me of all people.
The Experiments
Later on in the month I was able to do some experimenting. Not like the crazy experimenting I did in my youth with drugs and sex; so don't get too excited. No, this is grown up serious wargaming experiments.
First experiment- Meeting: I had Mr. Lasgunpacker himself -David, from the fun
Lazgunpacker blog, over for a face-to-face game, meeting for the first time
in person. A very low risk experiment as David and I have been commenting on each others blogs for YEARS now and he didn't really feel like a stranger anymore, despite starting out as just some guy on the internet. Perhaps some of you out there would feel the same about me?.....perhaps not but keep it to yourself.
Second Experiment- Playing Outside: I decided to host the game outside (bleh!) for 2 reasons. COVID precautions being one of them of course but more because we were playing on a Sunday and the wife and kids would be around and I was trying to be considerate to the wife. Not that the wife and kids can't come say hi which they did (a little too often in the case of the children). More so that the wife wouldn't feel like she HAD to take the kids somewhere and if they all stayed home the kids could run around the house being noisy and messy and destructive (as they usually are) and David and I would be safely out of the tornado's path in the backyard.
My sneaky wife took this picture from the window. The backyard set up. That's David's handsome back and my average front. |
The set up. You can see that I was hogging all the snacks on my half of the table. |
Third Experiment - SPACESHIP gaming!: I recently had an interest in starting up some spaceship gaming in Star Trek and was eager to try it out (you can see this post
HERE if so inclined). David came over with a printed out hex mat and some painted ships we could play Klingon Armada.
You can see better pictures of David's ships on his post
HERE.I took the Federation of Planets, otherwise known as 'The good guys' and David played the Klingons otherwise known as 'Alien scum lords.'
My Constitution class starship (Ie, Enterprise) being chased by a missile. |
Another one of my ships in BIG trouble. |
Piloting and tracking damage and power of 4 ships was not too taxing. We did have to tape the sheets down though so the wind wouldn't take them. |
Experiments Results - Successful to Terrible:
Meeting David: brilliant success. Nice man, very polite and rolls average dice. Gonna do more gaming with him. Seriously nice to meet you in a real life face to face.
Gaming outside: tolerable success. Despite my huge preference for being inside versus outside, it was a nice day and gaming outside was pleasant. The set up to provide shade seemed was successful and wasn't too much work to set up.
Spaceship Gaming: Terrible! because I really liked it and now want all my own stuff! Yet another genre to pursue.
Side Discussion: The SFU
Klingon Armada is an adaptation of the Starmada rules to be used in the Star Fleet Universe (SFU) which is best described as David puts it on his blog, as Star Trek Adjacent. It's like it's own version of Star Trek with it's own timeline and such, and it's not the one we know from the TV shows. It's the same universe that games of federation Commander and Star fleet Battles take place in. Klingon Armada tries real hard to be like Federation commander. In the SFU ships tend to fire a bunch of missiles at each other as well as the standard phasers / disruptors and photon torpedoes. The missiles by themselves are alright but there's other stuff in there that's kinda wacky like loading up shuttle craft with explosives, setting the auto pilot, and launching it at the bad guys like a suicide shuttle.
I did though like the game play and the core rules of Starmada are REALLY good.
The New Favorite
Finally, during the week I had Mr AS over again to play Clash of Spears, my new favorite skirmish game. Playing inside this time as there were less children around.
The scene is a quiet Saxon village... |
But the people are in distress... |
...because a T-Rex has come to the village.
Son#2 wanted to put some of his toys on the table with my 'toys.' He assured me that the T-Rex was friendly. (and might even be pretty close to scale) |
The REAL scenario is that some Normans have come creeping up in the dawn to slug it out with the Saxons who are being churlish about who the new king of England is. In the patrol phase above; Normans come in from the right corner while Saxons spill out of the Great Hall entrance. |
Side Discussion (another one??): 4ground
I heard that 4ground would be closing, specifically will stop taking orders June 30th. As all my dark ages buildings are from 4ground, I decided for this game to get them all on the table to see how my collection was coming along (it consists of the Great Hall and 5 buildings). I think it could use another 4 buildings, so I might have to order these just so that everything on the table will be consistent. I mean I have too right? Even if it means the buildings will likely sit around unopened for weeks/months/years before I get around to putting them together.
Back to the game now. By the way, the mat is my homemade wargaming matt that is 6x10. The table is only 5x6 but the matt hasn't been unrolled in about 4 years so I wanted to see how it was holding up.
Saxons line up to defend their homes |
The Normans are confident with a mix of Spearmen, crossbows, and Cav |
the mat seems to be doing alright. A little wrinkled in places. In any case, all my tokens for CoS continue to look the Biz-ness so I am pleased. |
One of these days I'm gonna have to do a VERY detailed AAR of Clash of Spears game just to show you all how awesome it is. I mean SUPER detailed, like the AARs that The Tactical Painter writes on his blog.
Let's all hold our breathe until that happens; shouldn't be too long given that I've never written a good AAR.
Fare Thee Well
Is how fancy people like me say goodbye. Till next time.
Thanks for reading. Double Thanks for writing a comment.
Wow! Gaming on the Home Front! Very impressive. I like your outdoor setup too. You are a good host to provide plenty of snacks. Good friends rolling average dice; I like that too! Fire & Fury always provides yelps of excitement when high probability attacks fail gloriously. Your tables look great and your Dark Ages collection superb.
ReplyDeleteAwaiting your very detailed AAR.
Thanks Jonathan. The outdoor set up worked pretty good. We couldn’t use the patio furniture bc it was too small and really neat up and probably just full of spider eggs.
DeleteThanks for liking the dark ages collection; it’s one of my favorites and feels like your complimenting one of the children; but better. 😀
So, multiple points here to discuss.
ReplyDelete1. You need to proofread this post better. "alien scum lords" is clearly a typographical error, and you intended to write "honorable race of starfaring warriors".
2. Outside gaming is the bomb, for all the reasons discussed, plus the BBQ is closer.
3. Do please do up a CoS report. Lion/Dragon/PossiblySmurf Rampant is scratching my "biggish skirmish" itch, but I have a copy of CoS that's never seen play. More info required.
Looks like some lovely games, and good to hear you're getting to interact with other humans. I'm waiting for the weather to turn before I get my chance, but it's coming.
Thanks Markus.
Delete1. They’re only called Honorable spacefaring warriors if I am controlling them. Otherwise I stand by my words.
2. I don’t have a BBQ. To BBQ one has to be outside. And the outside is, I might of mentioned, lame.
3. Anything for you.
(I really don’t hate the outside. I just like to make with the jokes).
You need a BBQ ;)
DeleteIt was delightful to get together and play at last, even if the space imperialists won. Your wife and kids are delightful, and there was food too! We should do it again much sooner. (and take more pictures of the game)
ReplyDeleteAlso the evil plan to convert you into a scifi gamer is working...
Thanks David. My wife IS delightful and the children managed to behave themselves. I’m glad we got to have a game together.
DeleteYes, we’ll do it again.
I like sci-fi just fine. I just have specific tastes. 😀
Almost too much to comment on in detail--other than to say that it was an enjoyable post to read and follow. Interesting development (one that I've pondered), connecting with a fellow blogger for gaming. I guess that "virtual" gaming has broken that ground, big time (Jonathan at Palouse Wargaming Journal being a prime example), but good to see that a Face to Face example has played out well, too. Love the idea of outside gaming (the tent is a good idea!). Nice to see your Dark Ages figs on the table!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ed. David is the only blogger in my circle that is within easy driving distance and it only took years to met up. 😀
DeleteThough I would like to meet several bloggers in person; to have a game or a drink. Yourself included.
Great looking dark age battle, nice terrain and great looking troops! Lucky you playing multiple other games as well,looking forward to your star trek ships!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain
Thanks Iain. But you’ll have to look forward to me finishing my 100 dark age troops first before any Star Trek ships get painted. 😀
DeleteSo after Easter then, your making such good progress?!
DeleteBest Iain
Lol. Would that it were true. 😀
DeleteAnother wonderful post Stew. It’s always great to meet people you’ve corresponded with over the ether for years in the flesh…unless they are a convicted serial killer waiting on death row that somehow you’ve connected with…however I digress.
ReplyDeleteI recall fondly playing Star Fleet Battles in my University days and wonder if the game you played was a derivative off that old system. Gees, it was great fun!
I hadn’t heard about 4Ground and I guess it makes sense when you consider resin 3D printing in our hobby now. I still have an entire Old West town still in its flat pack boxes!
Thanks Carlo.
DeleteFrom what I can gather, SFB has morphed these days into Federation Commander. The rules Klingon Armada are the Starmada rules tweeked to kinda simulate the concepts of FC like power distribution and whatever. I’m a little interested in FC but it sounds a little too involved but there is a free trail version.
It is nice meeting people off the internet who aren’t felons. 😀
And I also have a bunch of western buildings all flat in boxes. lol
First off, I feel a lot better about posting a really long battle report after reading this post :) I always feel a bit guilty when I do that even though I'm sure the people who don't care skim or skip it (as they should)! For me, the pictures of the Clash of Spears game were not only of most interest but came out very nicely as well. I've been thinking about dipping my toes in the Ancient genre and it is a game that is very much of interest so this only entices me further. It is a shame though about 4ground. They have some nice looking kits and as far as I can tell, they've been making some of the best stuff in this space. Do you think you'll pick up more stuff from them before they go out of business? I'm eyeing a few things myself as FOMO is starting to kick in :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jeff. Not long after this post I ordered a 4Ground Saxon Village (4 buildings) set off of Noble Knight Games. Figured I would grab one before they were irreplaceable. Might of been silly as they’ll probably just be in their boxes for a long time. 😀
DeleteI think 4ground stuff is better than Sarissa.
Looks like a great time was had, on all 3 games, so sorry to hear you liked the starship gaming, and now even more want to have your own ships Stewart, that could get costly ( have a look at 3D printed ships, there seem to be a lot available)
ReplyDeleteThanks Dave. Why yes I have spent a lot of time on Shapeways lately. 😀
DeleteMan I wish I had the budget right now to afford some of those 4ground dark ages houses too to match to single one I have. O well. Your set up looks fantastic in that pic, especially that long hall - great to see it being used!
ReplyDeleteFire and fury was very fun when you showed me how to play. Better than Longstreet for sure. Not played the brigade version tho. Seeing all those regiments arrayed on that board “almost” makes me want to start a new csa force. Almost. ;)
David is a nice chap to game with in person. Enjoyed the far too few opportunities I’ve gotten to play with him and am sad that my time is so strapped that I am unable to set up games for both him and your good self currently.
I expect to see a fine Romulan fleet in the making right here on this very blog any time soon!
Thanks Dai. I did get some more houses after all as a splurge for myself with a little bit of my tax return.
DeleteFire and Fury is a great rule set for sure. I probably should stop getting anymore ACW rulesets as I always end up playing it.
I hope to do more gaming with David in the coming year for sure. Not sure about the Romulans though; maybe in the far future, but they’d be last on the list. . 😀
Well that certainly lived up to the billing of very wordy with a lot of pics Stew, you certainly had a very busy March...good for you! I can't remember the last time I had three games in tge same month, although to be honest, it might have been January, so this could be more to do with my aging memory than a dearth of gaming...but I definitely have had far fewer games in the last two years than us normal....or healthy! Great variety on show here and nice to see you gave found another period to get involved in. The Dark Ages longhouse looks ENORMOUS!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kieth. In my perfect life I would play games twice a month but it the reality is I get them in bursts and stalls. Probably won’t play again till May bc of family stuff. Can’t be helped. 😀
DeleteGreat stuff Stew! How great to game in person again 😀 Really like the look of the Clash of Spears.
ReplyDeleteDisappointing news about 4Ground, hopefully someone will buy their designs and rebrand them, it'd be a shame to never see their kits available again in the future.
Thanks Ivor. Of course the Clash game catches your eye; that’s all my beautiful stuff. 😀
DeleteIt is a shame about 4ground. One never knows.
Great blog
ReplyDeletePlease read my post