Oh that's right: Awesome Miniature Wargaming Blogging! I knew it was something really important like that....
Absence Makes the Heart
Hi there internet friends. I've been distracted for awhile and I have hope that you have missed my unique style of prose and witty commentary. Probably not, but lie to me all the same because I have a delicate ego that can't take much rejection. It's what my wife does...
I'm still sad from the rejection from that time I tried out for American Idol, and America's Got Talent, and America's Funniest Home Videos...
To make up for the lack of utterly free content over the last 2ish months, this promises to be a longer post today. Unfortunately most of it is very boring...
But first:
Blogging Issues:
Everyone seems to get to have an issue with the new blogger software, and this one is mine.
Even though I haven't writing posts I've been trying to keep up to date with all of yours, which is something that I enjoy. But I was struggling to leave comments as is my usual behavior as I kept getting this error after I hit publish...
Screen shot from the phone of the annoying error... |
And my witty insightful comment would just DISAPPEAR into the unknown ether. I would try to write the comment again and get the error again, and you get the idea. Then because I am lazy and lack free time I would give up. Or if I did keep trying (because I really like you) the comment would get shorter and shorter because my thumbs would tire of pecking it out over and over again; so a several sentence comment with a funny joke would be reduced to "nice job" when it finally went through.
I don't really know why it's happening, but I'm hoping it will just sort itself out over time and I don't have to do anything. I love doing nothing. I already have SO many things in my life that require maintenance: house, car, my growing waist, work, children....
Good news; I have noticed that it's starting to happen less often. I think.
SO if you have noticed that I was commenting on your blog and suddenly stopped or drastically decreased; that is the reason. Either that or you stopped commenting on my blog so I stopped on yours because I am small petty vindictive man....but it's a new year so I'll try to grow up a bit.
But more likely the error or simply a lack of time as I've also been very distracted lately...
Distracted by Nicknames
The main reason for being absent for the last 2 months is because I've been too busy trying to come up with a nickname for my newest child: born in early December, Son #3.
All of my children have nicknames. Daughter #1 (age 7) is known as 'The Terror' because of her constant bad attitude. I don't know where it comes from because I certainly don't have a poor attitude, But it's like I have my very own Nature Vs Nurture experiment going on. Son #1 is mostly called 'The Angel' and sometimes called 'The Ghost' because he died as a baby. He was born sick and passed away in our arms; and when he is called the Ghost it is because we are 'The Haunted.'
Son #2 (age 2) is called 'The Destructor' because he knocks over, spills, or breaks almost anything he gets his hands on. In fact he recently broke our large screen TV when he threw a $3 plastic dinosaur at it. HARD, apparently. I was in another room feeding the baby while the wife was in the shower when my daughter came in and told me that "he threw it at the TV and it suddenly turned off....."
This newborn Son #3 needs a nickname; So far I've been trying out 'The Surprise' or perhaps 'The Added Complication,' which sounds right; being that I am in my mid-forties and some would say that was too old to be having babies. It certainly wasn't something I was planning. Certainly not during a pandemic.
The only good reason for a mid 40s male to have a newborn baby is because he has a new wife 15-20 years younger than him who didn't have kids of her own but promised to do all the work...
Which is NOT the case here.
Just as well though, I don't really have the energy for that sort of relationship...
Though it does melt your heart when they fall asleep on you |
Of course the above is the Glamour pic for social media when the little guy is a month old. The reality of a newborn is more like this....
Zombie Dad |
The Current State of Play
(WARNING: Self indulgent analysis ahead):
It's been interesting times hasn't it? (damn that Chinese curse). Last year in 2020 I managed to get in 12 actual games. 13 if you count me making my in-laws and wife play Pandemic the board game on New Years Eve (which I got as an awesome Christmas gift). They did have fun. I should play boardgames more often.
One might think that 12 games is a respectable number in a year with COVID, stay at home orders, game cancellations of all kinds, pregnancy (which made us take the stay at home orders very seriously, and sometimes it feels like no one else does), homeschooling, and etc... but the thing is; 12 games is also my number from the year before in 2019, when none of that stuff was present. What gives?
It's the lack of attending wargame conventions for both years. In 2019 I was just double booked on convention weekends with family events and of course in 2020 it was Covid that cancelled all the conventions. But this shows that I have a pattern on relying on game conventions to get in the majority of my time actually playing games. So instead of having a regular game day / night with the same regular people (more or less); I do getaway weekends where I play games with acquaintances or strangers (nice as they are). I would like to be a Regular Gamer, but it seems I am more of an Occasional Gamer. I wonder if this says anything about me that I don't really have a regular game group? I don't think I'm particularly unfriendly or stinky that I wouldn't be invited to such things.
Naaah, that can't be it. So instead I blame the children; thieves of time that they are.
Because the thing is; A gaming opportunity has to be SPECIAL enough to warrant time spent away from the family during the weekends because they all rely on me. I'm not trying to complain too much (but I am a liiitttle bit) because it's nice to be needed and part of a whole. I think it reflects a phase of life. People talk a lot about the hobby being grey (as in mainly old dudes) but I suspect that it's not so much a factor of the age of the gamer but the age of the gamer's children. When you have young children, your time is not your own.
All of that to say that it looks like 2021 is gonna be another lack luster year for gaming; COVID is still hanging out, now there are even more children, I'm gonna have to move houses which is always a big project, etc...
That's not to say that I never get out to a club game or over to a friend's house for a game, it's just a rare occasion. Before COVID, I would also host games at my place but that is not an option for awhile; as the wife was adamant that we could have no guests while pregnant and is just as adamant that we should have no guests with a newborn. Which makes sense of course. It's just kind of a bummer.
So at least for the short term foreseeable future there will be little miniature wargaming opportunities. Which really puts a damper on my painting motivation because I am solidly one of those 'paint to play' people. Left to my own devices I wouldn't paint anything just for the sake of painting it.
It's not that I hate painting; it's a means to an end for me, and without the End (ie, The Wargame) the means lacks substance. It's like exercise, I don't like working out just for the sake of it; it's the end result I'm after, and the ability to eat hotdogs and pizza guilt free.
Course, it's been forever since I've actually exercised, it's just an example. I still eat the pizza and hotdogs though.
What to Do? Adapt and Plan
Or is it Plan and Adapt?
Production Plan: Of course I'm gonna keep painting / working on stuff. But as time is limited I'm just gonna break down things into micro projects and one at a time. Simple projects would be better (most wargaming stuff is simple anyway, it's not a particularly hard hobby to have). Work on one small item of terrain instead of 3, paint 4 figures instead of 16; that sort of thing. Ideally this will still see stuff getting completed and aid my mental health /motivation as I'll see progress. With no big upcoming game event to guide my painting goals, smaller projects will allow me to jump around easier without making the desk too cluttered. Because I hate clutter. Clutter is an old enemy of mine.
Gaming Plan: Obviously I'm gonna have to rely on solo gaming for awhile. Though I really only like solo gaming when I'm trying out new rules and want to see how they work on the actual table. Rules read one way, and sometimes play another. Plus the set up and tear down of a miniature game with all the terrain and whatnot is Suuuuuuch a pain in the ass when you're just doing it for yourself.
It's kinda like cooking; when you're making a meal for your whole family then you'll cook something nice, but if you're just feeding yourself you end up with PB&J or chicken nuggets.
Given that I am always in a time crunch I also need
something that I am able to set up and take down in an evening. Which turns me to board gaming. I did some research for good solo games and
stumbled upon Journeys in Middle Earth by Fantasy Flight. Which is billed as an Adventure game set in
Middle Earth.
So after a day of being Super Husband and Daddy, when
everyone was tucked into bed and the wife settled with a hot drink and a
Netflix movie (to promptly fall asleep to) ,
I told her I was gonna try the game out and go on adventure.
Playing on my kitchen table |
I won’t go into too much detail about the game itself (not
unless you ask); since you can find such info if you wish. But I did find it to be very fun and so far
have played the first two adventures.
Each adventure plays in an evening (2 -3 hours) and the whole game is
run through the app so I have no idea what is gonna happen next, so it’s quite
engaging. It’s my first time playing a
game that is run by a computer which kinda makes me sound old.
Who knows, this might even inspire me to paint some of the LOTR lead pile....
And There We Have It
After 6 weeks at home with the new baby, I'm back at work and we're all settling down into the new routine. Ideally I'll be able to spend an hour or 2 a week at the hobby desk and the occasional weekend night going on a boardgame adventure. I'm currently working on some ACW stuff for famed ACWruary month which is just a week away. Shouldn't be too long before my next post which will feature actual miniature wargaming content; unlike this post which reads like diary. But since I'm a BIG strong man I'll call it Journal. A JOURNAL!
Thanks for reading, and being at all interested in my little goings on.
Congratulations Stew! This explains why you have been somewhat MIA over the last few months. Sounds like you have your hands full at present. Perhaps you can still get in some hobby time occasionally? Take care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jonathan! Yes, hands are certainly full; whenever one kids stops needing something another starts. It’s like they plan it. Lol.
DeleteThere are small bits of hobby time to be sure and I am taking advantage of them. 😀
Hi Stew, sounds like you have your hands full at the moment. I agree with your little and often approach or as you say 'Micro' projects. A couple of things I might suggest are 1) 15mm ACW on a large pinboard and some micro actions, just to get through a couple of hours - the board can even be moved off the table and onto the bed or some such if that helps.
ReplyDelete2) some small footprint fast play boardgames that likewise can sit on a movable pinboard.
As for child nicknames, it's a bit long, but I would hope for 'Wargame fanatic who wants to play a game every day with dad' - it could be shortened of course to 'The Wargamer'!
Can't help with the Blogger thing, but you are not alone in reporting that. For most it is fine, so it presumably is a settings / browser thing.
Thanks Norm! I reset and erased my cookies and browser history/ setting do I’ll see if that was the issue.
DeleteI am kinda hoping that now with 2 surviving sons that one day I’ll have my own little wsrgaming club, do perhaps your suggestion is not a bad nickname after all. Of course, it’ll be about 15 years before any of that happens. 😀
I am having fun with my JiME game basically every other weekend which is nice but actually miniature games are gonna be hard to come by.
Congratulations Stew. The most wonderful of news. Your blogger challenges are an accurate reflection of many of mind without rhyme nor reason. I’m hoping this message remains!
ReplyDeleteWell there you ho - it did. Wooohoo!
ReplyDeleteThanks Carlo! It sucks when you have to hold your breath after you comment while you see if it actually goes through. 😀
Congratulations on the new arrival Stew, I was an "older" parent too, first, and only, son born when I was 44. "Terror" could equally describe him :)
ReplyDeleteI have also had a meh! period when it comes to my wargaming hobby. No games since late last summer and I don't think I've picked up a brush since September. This needs to change as I picked up a largish second hand pile of AB ACW figures towards the end of last autumn that have joined the already not inconsiderable to paint pile.
Mind you Ive got a week away on a course for work next week so evenings will be stuck in an hotel room, may take a small stash of minis and paints and try and get my mojo back.
Take care of yourself and the expanding family and hope we get some real gaming in this year sometime.
Thanks Yony! I’ve done the painting in the hotel room thing. There’s never enough light but it beats just watching TV. 😀
DeleteOne of my biggest self inflicted frustrations when I have no actual hobby time is that I start to imagine lots of possible projects (like wouldn’t it be cool to build terrain boards!!!??) which of course will never see the light of day anytime soon bc finding the time to do even a small thing can be intermittent. And it’s easy to go ‘meh, what’s the point?”
Happy New Year, Stew: congrats on the new boy (that sounds more English Public School than intended...). The lull was noted (so you were missed!)--given everything else that's going on, it's good to hear that everyone is healthy and came through! I'm currently in something of a slump, so can relate to your post in general. In the back of my head, I'm always running game ideas and things through my head (sort of recreational thinking, if not actually playing--that gets me through slumps, or has so far).
ReplyDeleteThanks Ed! I appreciate that you missed these inane ramblings. 😀
DeleteAs I just mentioned above; in times of a slump (though this one was imposed on me rather than through me) I too will daydream about super cool hobby projects. Though I sometimes get frustrated bc there’s no time to do them. 😄
Nice to see you back Stew - what I had noticed wasnt an absence of comments from you (maybe I am just not very observant) but a lack of posting - I like to try to pay a return visit to anyone who is kind enough to leave comments on my blog and I have been here a few times but it has always still been you online shopping post.... I think any of us who are parents would recognise the issue of lack of gaming time. I certainly went through a period where weekend games were absolutely out of the question - I am lucky that I have a friend who is happy to host us on weekdays after work - my wife did not have too many issues with me going off to work at 6am Friday and not coming home till midnight - as long as I was there at the weekend! Its a bit better now my two surviving kids are 21 and 19 but I still have to negotiate a bit to get to take off all day Sunday, whereas many of the guys I game with meet every fortnight for a Sunday game!
ReplyDeleteAs to Blogger issues - mine have all gone really and I never had this one of leaving comments that you have experienced .... mine all related to the actual post and were a royal pain in the derriere while they were happening!
Thanks Ross! I’m the same way; I like to leave comments on people’s blogs who leave them on mine and around and around we go in a circle of mutual support. 😀
DeleteBalancing the demands of family and the desire to do the hobby is a constant negotiation. In general my wife is supporting of such things but I have to be mindful about not over burdening her or being unfair. Plus, I kinda like being involved with my children (most of the time 😀).
Mutual support is a good thing!
DeleteWelcome back to the virtual ether we all live in. Love my children as I do I can’t hint of much worse than going through the process again now they have left home. So I don’t really envy you but it feels/looks like you have a lovely family. You can always get anew TV. Although I admit I did shout at my daughter when she smashed her iPad a few years ago ! As for gaming you may not have much time for a bit ! My hobby is definitely keeping me going at the moment 👍
ReplyDeleteThanks Matt! Yes, the family is pretty lovely (most of the time...😀). I’ll get a new big TV eventually but it’s just another errand and expense not looked for. I didn’t really shout at him for breaking it but sighed very loudly and confiscated his Dino for a couple of days. Seemed fair.
DeleteIt’s weird to think that ‘maybe in 5 years time when the children will all be more independent (compared to a 2 year old and a new born) I’ll have more time to goof off. 😀
Congratulations! So this explains the lack of posting.
ReplyDeleteThat first picture of the new boy is so very cute, that is the sort of picture that people have in their head whey they talk about having another baby... and the second one is so very accurate to my own experiences.
As for gaming and hobby... you have been around long enough to know that it comes and goes in waves anyway, so 2020/2021 and new baby are just a low time wave, and things will change again later, hopefully for the better. Small projects are probably a good idea, and there may be solo versions of games, or games designed entirely for solo play that could draw you in. (or maybe this is the time to rope in the Daughter? My similar aged daughter thinks miniatures "are dumb", but yet somehow is still drawn into hobby time somehow.)
Thanks Laz! Yes, my friends really like the zombie dad pic. One friend said it cured her baby fever. 😀
DeleteYou’re right of course about all things having their season. I’ve tried to rope in my 7 year old daughter for miniatures but she “doesn’t like guns” and is mostly uninterested. Maybe the 2 surviving boys will be into playing games with their old man, in about 10 years time. Lol.
I’m hoping that 3/4 of the way through this year there will be more time fir me and gaming. But I’m sure I’ll squeeze in a few here and there before then. 😀
Reaper makes a LOT of fairies, unicorns, elves and the like... No guns needed. And LotR might be an entry path too.
DeleteShe don’t like the swords either too much; but she is a young seven if you know what I mean. 😀
DeleteCongrats on the addition to the family, sounds like you've been a very busy boy!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ray! Yes, yes I have.
DeleteI guess I'm lucky because I've gotten all your comments on Wordpress and they're very much appreciated :D I remembered that you usually get busy around this time in the year but my goodness, having another child would certainly keep you from blogging! Congratulations and I guess we're going to see a much more mature and adult side of you now due to the added responsibilities? ;)
ReplyDeleteI really like your idea of picking up FFG's LOTR game. I've thought about it myself as it does look very fun. If its anything like Mansions of Madness (and I know there are definitely similarities with both being app-driven), I bet it is fun to play solo and you won't miss having human opponents or allies too much! I'll be curious to hear more about how you get on with it. You can also paint up the minis for the game if you have the time and desire.
Thanks Kuribo! The error only seems to appear on blogger sites do your Wordpress site was not affected. But yes it’s been a busy time round the house. 😀
DeleteI can tell you that I am having a great time playing JiME. I played the third adventure last night. It plays great solo with 3 characters. I don’t want to say too much because of Spoilers to the plot but it’s a pretty good solo adventure game with a decent LoTR skin. I’m glad I picked it up. But I won’t be wasting time painting the pieces. It might inspire me to paint some of GW LoTR stuff though. 😀
Congrats on the newest addition Stew, at least it comes pre-painted 😀
ReplyDeleteYour photos with him are great, and the second one perfectly represents reality - but mate, at least you still have your hair, some of us aren't as lucky.
Your idea of a mirco plan of just working on a few figures seems perfect for your current situation, looking forward to seeing how you get on - as well as with the LOTR, I've been on a bit of a Middle Earth journey myself so always enjoy seeing more of the same 😀
Ivor, I’d say hair was over rated in general
DeleteLol Dai, I keep telling myself that and then I see a photo of me 20 years ago with a full head of hair and I’m like "Please sir... I want that again" 🤣
DeleteBut I guess I do save money on haircuts, which ultimately does go into the gaming fund 🤷♂️
Lol. Bald guys are commenting on my lovely locks. Especially in these COVID days where hair cuts are infrequent.
DeleteIvor, I’m a big fan of your LoTR stuff and every Tito see them I think about my own LoTR lead pile that I’ve had for years. 😀
Congratulations! I was a later baby to older parents, there's 8 years between me and my nearest brother and 2 years between each of the 3 of them, my mum was told" don't worry mrs W, at your age it's probably just a hormone imbalance " followed a few months later by " it's triplets " luckily I consumed my unborn siblings in the womb! But mistake and hormone imbalance work as nicknames, well they did anyway! Vaguely remember when they were that cute/tiring/little my daughter turns 18 in March, just wait till they're teenagers! At least she's started playing games with me and watching LOTR, the game sounds good and micro makes sense, good to see you posting again!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain
Thanks Iain! That’s quite a history there.
DeleteSo far the daughter has not shown much interest but at least now I feel like I have sons to fall back on. Who knows, in 15 years time I might have my own family game group. Which might be good bc by that time I’ll be old enough that’s probably all I’d be able to do. 😀 but maybe I’ll have huge painted armies....
Lovely to see pics of the new addition and he certainly does has have his mother’s looks!
ReplyDeleteCongrats mate, am happy for you.
Gaming will happen when it happens. As it happens, I’ve been working a little on hobby myself of late... might be a post upcoming in the bearish future....
Nearish future. Bearish is... furrier
DeleteThere you go with the hair again. 😀
DeleteThanks Dai! I’m glad you’re able to find some hobby space and time in your new temporary digs. Looking forward to a post.
Stew, if this link works (?): https://mws.groups.io/g/main/topic/painting_club_2021/78281974?p=,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,78281974 you can join our local 2021 painting club. If the link didn't work, you can copy and paste to your browser. With that many little people around, it is impressive you find ANY time for the hobby. But, as someone who never got to have little people, they are a Treasure of vastly greater value than Any hobby - not that they aren't also at times holy terrors. No kids of my own but Lots of nieces and nephews (mostly young adults now) and even a growing back of great nieces and nephews so I have some sidereal knowledge of the trials and tribulations of parenting. 12 games! You must have been cheating, a lot, I got two games in, one just before lock down and one carefully socially distanced game in a brief not-so-locked down moment before the chain link curtain reined down again. May you and all of yours stay safe and healthy!
ReplyDeleteThanks Greg! Children are one of those worse/ best things one can have in life. Heartache and joy all mixed together.
DeleteI did cheat bye, bc 3 of those 12 were solo games when I was on quarantine. 😀
About the painting club; I figure if anyone really wanted to know what I’ve been up to they can just view this blog. IF I get any painting done I’m sure to post it. But I am looking forward to a time where we all can get in more games together. 😀
Haha Stew, congratulations buddy. I do remember what it's like. I was 48 when my last "surprise" happened. She is going on 21 now. Both of my kids grew up in Dad's dungeon. They had their own hobby space where they did their own arts & crafts, painted fantasy figures, castles, etc. Always getting pointers from Dad.
ReplyDeleteBoth of my girls had numerous nicknames as they grew. Very young "Puke" & "Squirt" were appropriate. As they started to crawl with the diaper it was "Turtle Butt"! The youngest took a while to talk but would point at what she wanted and make a sound like the cat so I called her "Squeak". I am sure you will find the right nickname for your new boy.
Until you can paint a few LOTR minis, maybe you could use some of your AWI guys in the adventure game, Tory Adventures in Middle Earth?
Thanks Vol! Those are some seriously cute nicknames. The wife didn’t like my nicknames in the post so for now we’re calling him ‘bright eyes’ because he is looking around a lot.
DeleteI’m finishing up my current project and then I’ll root around for the next micro project. 😀
Heartiest congratulations on your new arrival Stew! Kids are always a welcome addition to a family and spice up your life in more ways than one!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you are into remotely playing boardgames try having a look at Vassal. It is a game engine where one can play myriads of games online. Not the most user-friendly but I have recently played a couple of games of Rommel and it works a treat once you get used to it. Covid-safe too!
PS Zombie dad was funny!
Thanks Mike! And don’t I know it.
DeleteIt’s not that I’m opposed to remote gaming and such. It’s I don’t have much time to devote to it without being interrupted. 😀
Congrats Stew, excellent news!!
ReplyDeleteThanks a bunch Phil!