Sunday, July 7, 2019

Completed Expected LOTR ruins.

I've finished painting up my latest LOTR ruins made from Hirst Arts for battles in Osgiliath and Minas Tirrith. 

but first, a little mini drama presented in 1 act to illustrate how this came to be:

Scene: Our hero (which is me) is driving home from work when his plans are cancelled due to reasons.  Knowing that the his wife and 2 surviving children also have plans tonight, he calls her to tell her that instead of doing what he was gonna do he can now go with the family to their thing.

Wife speaks: "That's OK, you don't have to come, it's all gonna be moms and kids anyway, and you deserve a break. Why don't you stay home and do some painting or whatever."

Our Hero (again, which is me) replies: "Oh it's alright I can come (brief pause), but since you mention it I could get some painting done so I will stay home but let me know if you change your mind."
Hang up.
Turn phone off.

End scene.

(No, I didn't really turn the phone off)
(and maybe the wife is really the hero of the story.  Maybe.)

So unexpectedly I was able to finish the expected ruins.
I expect you'll like to see some pics...

Dry Brushing is Quick and Easy

Painting formula:
Black primer spray paint.
Heavy dry brush dark grey
Medium dry brush grey
Super duper light dry brush white.

It’s so simple it’s Kinda hard to mess up but I still managed to do so in a few places.
However the terrain is very forgiving of small mistakes and overall; came out pretty darn alright if I do say so myself.

On to the pics!

All 3 items painted!
I really ought to get a nice place to photograph terrain besides the kitchen table.

The Statue House

with the statue inside, naturally.
That good old king what's his name.

I'm really please how this broken statue house came out.  It's the smooth brick patterns that really make it stand out I think. 

The pretty piece of wall

Just a low wall, forms a corner so it can stand up.  

Arches Arches Arches Everywhere.

the back is really nothing special.
shame to end on this pic really.

All of the these terrain pieces use a variety of bricks from a  minimum of 2 and some even 5 different molds and I think I'm starting to get a real knack of mixing and matching the bricks together to from unique terrain.  It also just goes to show what an awesome system the Hirst Arts molds really are. All of them have been well worth the investment. 

That's a Load Off My Hobby Table

My main concern for the up coming convention was getting these 3 terrain items done so it was a relief when they actually painted up really fast and easy, even somewhat ahead of schedule.  It's still 2 weeks till the convention.  Now I feel really prepared and all remaining things on the to-do list are pretty minor; like typing up the army lists and packing everything for transport.  

And now that the terrain is done and the terrain making urge is out of my system (for now), I feel like it's time to return to the roots and start painting some miniatures again.  Just have to decide what.  

Thanks for reading.  


  1. Your ruins turned out splendidly! I wonder if your wife had other motives for suggesting you stay home? If mine, I may have been a wee little bit suspicious.

    1. Well I wasn’t suspicious until now you said that! Lol.
      Maybe she went out shopping to secretly buy me more miniatures? πŸ˜€

  2. They look great! I think if you add some tufts here and there they would looks amazing!

    1. Thanks Simon! I go back and forth in my mind about adding some vegetation. I think in osgiliath and minas Tirrith there might be some walled gardens but in minds eye there places mostly of stone.
      Never too late to add some later if I desire. πŸ˜€

  3. Great looking ruins and unlooked for hobby time,does this mean your painting the outside of the house or all the bedrooms in a few weeks then?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! Funny but one of the projects I just finished was painting the bedroom of daughter #1. Still have to finish hanging thee closet actually. πŸ˜€

  4. I was waiting for the twist to the story, wherein our hero pays a dear price for failing to read between the lines and actually accepting the boon of free time offered by the significant other. Glad the story ended instead in ruins (happy ones).

    1. Thanks Ed. All that probably happens in the third act. πŸ˜€
      But I’d like to think that I’ve got enough hubby points in the bank to cover the hobby withdrawal.

  5. The blocks are working out well, the architectural texture is excellent, but so is you colour matching, a nice unified look.

    1. Thanks Norm. I’ve compared these ruins to those made previously and I’m happy that the color scheme matches very well. But it’s hard to screw up shades of grey, 50 or not. πŸ˜€

  6. These look super Stew. Great job on the painting and believe me as a person who has done it, sometimes dry brushing can be ruined too. Yours is excellent, mine not so much.

  7. Thanks very much Carlo. πŸ˜€
    It true; dry brushing can be tricky and I know there are spots where I went too heavy but I doubt anyone will notice.

  8. Looking forward to seeing all these setup with your other stuff on that lovely mat.

    (And playing on them too!)

    1. Thanks Dai! It should look cool enough I’m hoping when all together. πŸ˜€

      Also hopping to have you over eventually.

  9. Wow Stew, those look absolutely incredible mate! And I really like how you said maybe your wife is the hero of the story :) Cheers to your wife!

    1. Thanks Ivor, appreciate it. πŸ˜€
      My wife is a hero. She puts up with me.

  10. Great to see the final results on your terrain! These will look fantastic on your mat and should lead to some fun games too :) I'll be looking forward to hearing how the convention goes and to see what you choose to paint next!

    1. Thanks Kuribo, I certainly hope so.
      There will certainly be a convention AAR in the future. πŸ˜€

  11. These are very cool. Looking forward to seeing them in use on a table.
