Monday, September 23, 2024

Slightly more Quar and Inventory

 After the overwhelmingly mild success of my ARR, it's time to get back to the wining blog formula:
Stupid jokes and adequately painted miniatures. First for the stupid joke:
What is Orange and sounds like a parrot?
-- A Carrot.

And now miniatures.

More of Painted Quar

We always want more.  


The Coftyran (Royalist) faction has pulled ahead in the arms race that is happening on my hobby desk, as they now have an actual machine gun, maned by 3 quar.

Medium machine gun team.

Not too shabby

I've also painted up 4 rhflyer buddies

Advance to the left!

I tried out doing the splotches in a slightly different way, adding in a dark outline around a brighter center. Like the sun shining through a dark cloud.

Close ups so you can see them,
not because the paint job is fantastic,
because it's not
I also tried it the other way, a bright outline with a dark center.  Like a little black spot on the sun. 
The first way looks better.

Advance to the right!

Avoiding Rebasing 

The Quar are something of a resurrected project, and as such I have some Quar that were painted and based over 10 years ago..    Really is too bad that my painting skills never improved. 

Past me did not know that future me would go all in with magnetic bases; and used MDF rounds that are 3mm thick.  Past me didn't know a lot of things. 
The two different bases look fine together on the table, so that's not the issue.  The problem is storage.  I like the magnet bases mainly for storage ease.  Having the collection using two methods of storage is a pain and heart breaking.  I would LOVE to love them all in the same place in the same way.  I really don't want to rebase, but I would do an-y-thing for love.  Yes I would do an-y-THING for LOVE!
Yes I would do aaaaannyything for love.
but I won't do that.

So instead, I took a drill and made a shallow hole
and glued in a 1mm by 5mm rare earth magnet.

Yay! Now they all can stick together in the same storage tub.
Sorry for the glare.

While everyone is all together like this, seems like a good time to take an inventory.

The Coftyrans:
24 Rhyflers with Harlech rifles
3 Rhyflers with Cryfen LMG
3 Trench Raiders (smg and sword)
3 Yawdryl (smg and sword)
2 Snipers
1 MMG team (3 Quar)
4 Is-Caerten (pistol and sword)

42 total to keep the King safe.

The Crusaders:
16 Rhyflers with Bogen rifles
8 Rhyflers with Ryshi Rifle
3 Rhyflers with Ha-11 LMG
2 Snipers 
2 Yawdryl (with Bogen)
4 Is-Caerten (Grifkis Shotgun)

35 Total to save the world by breaking it.

Grand total of 77.  Not bad, considering that 4 months ago I had 18.

Wait, That was Only One Dumb Joke

Isn't everything in life kinda a dumb joke?
But when you're right, you're right:

How do you tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?
--One will see you later, and one will see you after a while.  

As will I.

Thanks for Reading,
Double Thanks for writing a comment.
See you next time.


  1. I like the look of the machine gun team, though slightly concerned at your output of Royalist. Those poor Crusaders need some additional fire power

  2. I laughed at the carrot joke more than I should have. You know, for someone who says they don’t paint very quickly, you’ve got quite a lot of painting done.

  3. Great looking models Stew! I'm sharing this with the FB crew. Love the bases btw.

  4. Quar-laty will out - or Quar-nanty has a Quar-laty all of its own?
    So, if you carry on, in a month you'll have 91-92.....☺

  5. Magnetic bases are definitely my default option nowadays. Drilling the hole is a much better solution than rebasing. I have in the past used those Litko circular adhesive magnets and found them to be very good, although the adhesive does wear off after a few years and I superglue them back on.
