Could it possi
bly be
even more!
S (to boldly go)
A (make it so)
Wonder. Geez. For a little while there I was transported to an alternate universe where everyone had to write like how e.e. cummings wrote poetry. I'd go back and change it but I'm afraid of provoking another space anomaly and being stuck there for ever.
MORE 1/7000 Star Trek
Returning to normal and moving on: I've been on a painting spree lately and have really been cranking them out; when compared to myself, which is the only comparison that matters. Unless you're someone who paints even slower than me. In which case my hobby-life is rich and fulfilling and yours is void and stagnant by comparison and I get rewarded by feelings of well being.
I'm tellin' ya; Downward social comparisons are the KEY to happiness. You should try it.
Painting Sweet Spots
Returning to normal FOR REAL this time and moving on: I'm in the Painting Sweet Spot with these spaceships. I'm sure all of use wargamers have felt the happy effects of the Painting Sweet Spot at one time or another, and it kinda comes and goes, and can be defined rather personally. For me there are 2 definitions of the Painting Sweet Spot.
1) The time when painting a project that you have painted enough of X to have a good grasp on how you like to do it and you like the results, but you still haven't painted enough of X yet for it to be a boring chore; like my children are.
This is where I am with the spaceships. I've painted enough of them now (around 20) that I know what I am doing and I like the results but not sooooo many that the novelty is gone. It's still engaging.
2) The time when painting a project that you have painted enough of X that the project is nearly done, like 95% done, and the last things are easy. It's the anticipation of completeness. Sometimes it can take a LONG time to get there and sometimes you never seem to get there because the project just goes on and on and on..... Like taking care of my children.
This is where I will be soon with the spaceships; as there's only about 10 or so more to do and the project is done. (unless I order another fleet....maybe Romulans?)
I only said that last part to mess with Dai. There will be NO Romulans.
(maybe, actually I found some Romulan ships that aren't crazy expensive, so we'll see).
Finished Feds
As seen in the pervious post: I've have some purchases arrive with Star Trek reinforcements. I've now painted all of the Federation new arrivals for a fleet of 13 total ships. Impressive? yes.
Defiant Class:
Here we have another Defiant class starship. There she is: Defying you to not to love her. |
Excelsior Class:
Excelsior class starships. They excel at being pretty. |
As the work horse of the fleet I've added two more of the Excelsior class starships.
Ambassador Class
Ambassador Class Starship. She can be the ambassador to my heart anytime.
A good looking ship but with a stupid class name. 'Ambassador Class' sounds like the group of people who paid $30 extra to board an airplane first.
Sovereign Class
Extra pics of this shup as I think it came out looking rather well. |
Sovereign Class She will reign over our hearts. |
This class of ship is the 24th century version of the Enterprise. Known as the Enterprise E, and is the star of the latest Star trek movies. Not counting the Kelvin timeline. DONT GET ME STARTED on the Kelvin timeline. Just call it a reboot and move on, we all know it's fictional. (if you have no idea what I am saying then you have a more fulfilling life, probably because you don't have children or they are better behaved than mine).
The previous Enterprise D was blown up in a movie; mainly because they wanted a new ship that would look better on the wide screen. The Enterprise is always being blown up in movies.
A Galaxy class next a Sovereign class. The Sovereign obviously has gotten a few up grades. |
Whole Fleet:
Technically I now have all the ships that I need to run a good scenario at the up coming sci-fy convention in March.. I don't even have to paint those additional Klingon ships that I got. Which Kinda makes them a waste of money and time... like these children I have. Except that I actually wanted the spaceships.
Here is everybody:
Star Trek Federation fleet. Also known as "The Grey Menace." |
Federation: "We like saucers and rocket thingys."
All that's left to do now is attach labels to the ship bases somehow. And I'll probably paint up those unpainted spaceships I have laying around just for the sake of completeness.
That's Where I Do It
Someone started a fad now ragging across my favorite blogs of showing off the painting desk. Though I have shown the marvel of my painting desk before, I like to join in so I can feel included. Here's my hobby desk in it's current glorious disarray (from about a week ago when I took the pic.)
down the length |
From where I sit. (the other messy desk in front of it is my wife's hobby desk. She doesn't use it much anymore except for storage). |
It's quite cluttered at the moment as I'm in the middle of being productive.
It could almost be one of those "look and find" books for little kids.
Find the:
- Screw driver that ought to be in the tool box.
- Broken bicycle Christmas ornament that needs repairing; from 2 years ago.
- 15mm Lutheran Seminary for ACW Gettysburg games, bought over 2 years ago and still not painted.
- Dried up bottles of super glue.
and etc..least I think it COULD be like a look-and-find book. I wouldn't know. Whenever the kids asked to do one with me I'd say something like "That sounds BORING. You're boring. Find it yourself. I got to watch Youtube videos' about how to make perfect fart jokes."
Kidding (this subtitle works on two levels. I'm a blogging genius.)
I'm kidding about the kids. But maybe I did it a little too hard and now you suspect my parenting skills.
To put you back on team Me; here are two pics proving that I'm actually engaged with children.
here I am showing Daughter #1 (9 years old) my awesome dad- I mean DANCE moves before we go to her schools Father - Daughter dance. It was 1950s themed. |
Son #2 (4 years old) had a rough night and little sleep due to nightmares. The next day, we spent the morning making a dream catcher (the plate with the center cut out)
Son #3 (2 years old) is playing peek-a-boo in the back.
What a 4 year old can have nightmares about is beyond me. "Are there not enough cupcakes so that everyone in class gets one? There ALWAYS enough cupcakes."
But there. Now you know that it's not ALL yelling and timeouts and complaining. Now you're back on team Stew.
Thanks for Reading.
Double thanks for writing a comment.
Till next time. Live long and do that hand thingy. I can do it, but it hurts my fingers.