no sooner did I announce to the WORLD that I was back to blogging when I was stuck down by boredom and sickness and totally lost momentum.
Hobby Expense Report
Alternative title: Holy Sh- How Much???!!
Back in January of last year I had the idea that it'd be interesting (and not at all scary) to track how much money I spent on hobby stuff throughout the year. Kinda like a New Years Resolution. But unlike those other resolutions like diet and exercise and being nice to my children, I actually did it.
The rules were simple: doesn't matter what was purchased, but if it was purchased for the purpose of hobby-ness then it made the list. If the item has other uses that's all well and good, but if I got it in the first place because it was a hobby need, then hobby purchase it was. NEED say I. Like breathing and water.
Here is the of purchases with the initial organization just the sequence in time as I purchased things throughout the year.
-$16 storage tubs
-$70 more paint pens
-$68 more Quar Miniatures
-$360 more Wooden Wars
-$30 Hot Lead and Cold Steel ACW rules
-$45 Bolt Action 2nd Edition rules
-$30 Drop cloth
-$30 House paint
-$60 Quar tractors
-$95 plastic Quar Miniatures
-$50 Army painter dark-dip
-$47 More Quar Miniatures
-$134 Proxxon Hot Wire foam cutter.
-$17 paint brushes
-$17 balsa wood stripper
-$10 Balsa wood sheets
-$78 XPS foam
-$78 lumber
-$58 Shifting Lands Guider Pro (MDF fence for the Proxxon)
-$20 Spackle and Liquid Nails
-$20 Craft sticks
-$38 Magnetic miniature bases
-$7 Coffee stir sticks
-$25 Hydrocal plaster
-$50 Bolt Action V3 rules
-$28 storage tub / metal sheet
-$50 more Quar Miniature
-$300 Pacificon convention
-$15 spray glue
-$20 coffee grounds
-$300 Army Painter paint set
-$72 More Quar Miniatures
-$25 Vetcon
-$40 resin fences
-$60 Midgard heroic battle Rules
-$105 terrain making scenics from Scenic express (flock and stuff)
And not to bury the lead, the grand total is $2,410.
Which I am not sure how I feel about. It's definitely more than I thought it would be at the beginning of the year (about 150% more than initial estimate) but less than a Disneyland vacation for the family. I'm sure I missed a few things here and there. I don't see spray primer on that list and I'm pretty sure I bought a can of Krylon matte Black spray primer sometime. Or did I?
Kinda shows that if I just stopped buying stuff for a year and just painted what I had, I could have saved a not insignificant amount of money.
Now that I have data, I can do my best impression of Johnathan Freitag and do some maths and analytics. or it is data? I never know if it's data like Dah-tah or if it's data like Day-tah.