Are you by-chance in the mood to read about my ongoing projects in the world of Quar?
Also known as War Muppets. Sometimes called Battle Newts. Conflict Kangaroos. Army Anteaters.
Only I use those terms, but I'm thinking they could catch on.
Maybe in the mood to see WAY too many pictures of a day of Quar gaming as part of a larger a campaign?
You are? Great! Because by a totally random coincidence I happen to have a post full of Quar right here, right now. How lucky for everyone.
and if ya aren't, then Adios Hippos.
Post Full of Quar
To start things off, here are some more recently painted Quar. These dudes are a faction of the Crusaders called Toulmore Veterans. I know that doesn't mean anything, to anyone, who is not a Quar aficionado, like all of us cool people are. I feel the same way when Naps players say "Prussian hussar" and I think 'now you're just making up words.'
These guys are the same as Crusaders except they have Teal uniforms and white helmets instead of green unfirms and brown helmets. so TOTALLY different.
Here they are showing off the adequate paint job. |
The Whole Patrol |
so far, so fabulous.
but that was like 12 miniatures! 12! how utterly exhausting and boring to paint SO many miniatures. I probably went through like 8 paint brushes. I needed a break from miniatures, so the next project was doing some easy terrain.
In previous posts I have written about how I wanted to stop using my ACW snake fences in games of this This Quar's War just to stop the constant This Quar's American Civil War jokes.
Gamers can be so cruel, and the internet is like a middle school playground.
(no one actually was cruel, I'm lying for dramatic effect, like your Aunt Jenny during a wedding toast).
Previous posts also discuss how I attempted to scratch build some fences and sucked at it, so bought these instead, and painting and flocking was a simple affair. Just goes to show the life lesson that one should never try if one can buy.
I got about 10 lengths of fences done in time for the Quar Game day. |
Quar Campaign Day
My new faction and fences would come in handy, as I had a big day of Quar gaming on the calendar being hosted by nice guy Mr. NB.
This was on the Sunday during the Valentines Day weekend. Disappearing for a day to play miniature games would require the expenditure of many hubby points. Luckily for me I had the bank roll laid in, as evidenced by her Valentine's gift to me....
Can't argue with a travel coffee mug. |
Don't worry, I got her gifts too. I got her flowers, candy, and a cheesy Valentines card, and on the inside I wrote in a dirty joke. Just what all women want.
I woke up early and drove the 2 hours down to Fremont and spent the day there doing game stuff and then drove back up. It helped that the Monday after was a holiday, so the kids had no school, and I had no work, and therefore the wife had no responsibilities on the day after my day of no responsibilities.
Walking into the Quar area you're greeted by a table full of snacks, with drinks below.
The Quar in the large frame is founder of the Crusade. Loved or hated depending on what side you're on. |
Campaign Day Set up:
Mr NB really deserves a LOT of credit for pulling together and running the event. He fangled 12 players (so 6 pers side) to play in 3 linked games. The first round was 3 games of 2vs2 in a 'Kill the opponent for fun and profit' scenario, then the next round was 6 games of 1vs1, each with it's own special board and scenario. Then round 3 was back to multiplayer, where the scenario had 3 objectives across the middle. In each round, each scenario had a primary and secondary objective; and accomplishing these contributed to small bonuses in the next game and to overall victory. How this worked exactly was either secret or I wasn't paying close enough attention.
The nice guys from Zombiesmith (the makers of Quar and the rules) also sponsored the event, provided some prize support, and were on hand to run a demo or 2.
I brought along my new Toulmore Vets to fight for the crusade. Another nice touch is that everyone got a little "national pin" to wear for the side that you were on:
National Pins that one wears on the collar. The blue is the Royalist side, the yellow is the Crusade |
I have a LOT of photos here. If I know what's going on in the picture I'll write a caption. Otherwise, we'll just go 'oohhh, preeetty' and move on. Some smiling faces, but mostly tabletops and crotches.
Now in no particular order:
one of the last multiplayer games. Crusaders are trying to capture that Tractor (tank) in the middle.
My dudes pushing over a statue to dam the river for an objective |
oh pretty |
Oh pretty |
crusaders need to place a charge on the gun, being guarded by some Fidwogs with their itty bitty teeny weeny one Quar Tractor. |
Quar Farm with Guard Beetle |
Escorting a tractor over the bridge, which has barricades |
oohh preety. The dudes lying down are Out of Action, I think. |
I gotta get my hands on the trench scenario from Mr. NB. I am very curious. |
oh, pretty |
Assaulting the teeny tiny wittle bittle tractor. because it's a menace. Just like toddlers. |
The snake thingy that kinda sorta looks like Randall from the Monsters Inc Movie is actually part of the faction's force (called Gloamers). It's kinda sorta like a war dog. Sorta. |
Here I am fighting over a village: the objective is to have 2 of the 3 buildings under your control at the end of the game. This is a pic of my second game, where I was very confident of victory until I got shot to pieces and all my dudes were dead. |
My last multiplayer game. |
The event ran long, and we were cut short when the store staff said "Look, we gotta close soon, so you nerds gotta go." Still, everyone was a fine sport, looking to play fun games in a relaxed atmosphere. I thought it was pretty amazing that one could gather 12 people in a room, each with their own Quar collection. With Quar being something of a nitch within a nitch, behind the ditch sort of genre.
It also became clear to me that I need to read up more on how some of the different factions work if I wanna keep up my "I'm 'The Quar Bro, I know everything bro," attitude.
Cleaning up in a furry, we then held a brief award ceremony outside and Mr NB awarded a fairly large selection of prizes based on our accomplishments or failures. There were infantry boxes donated by Zombiesmith, and a wide assortment of 3d printed items.
I was happy to be awarded one of the giant statues for my peppiness and willingness to tell everyone the rules whether they wanted to hear it or not.
Size of the Statue with a normal Quar.
The statue is a historical figure from the lore of the world. Something like a Ghangis Khan and a Socrates rolled into one. It's a very cool and unique item, and now I gotta have a think about what I want to do with it.
Still thinking. I'll probably make it a part of some sort of spent Pluck container.
That last sentence only made sense to Quar players.
Thanks for Reading.
Double Thanks for Writing a comment.
Till next time.