Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Bye-atus.

That's Hiatus with a B.

Because I like messing with words, and because we're saying goodbye for a while. 


Oh, it's nothing so dramatic.  I'm just gonna take a break from all things blogging for a while. 

I'll flatter myself that there's one or two people out there who enjoy this blog and look forward to my stupid posts.  So this is just to let them know that it will be long time before the next one, but I'm not dead in a ditch somewhere using my last breath trying to post lame memes.  

This has happened before in previous years; I get busy and hobbying takes a back seat.  I thought I would make it more official this time around is all.  I'll still be doing some miniature wargaming from time to time, just not blogging about it.  This is my ONLY hobby afterall.  If you don't count restoring ancient Egyptian erotic pottery.  But that's not so much a hobby as it's a passion.  

This blog is lucky enough to have people who regularly comment on it; and those people are unlucky enough to be inflicted with my comments on their blogs.  Poor saps.  But if they're like me; one comes to expect it, and when not there, one wonders why.  (that was an awkward sentence wasn't it).  

I'm not giving you the silent treatment.  Just taking break.  Go on being you.  I won't be reading blogs very much or writing comments.  Which is a shame because I just conquered the list of top 10 commentators on the Palouse Wargaming Journal....  

Everyone El-is is Jeal-ous.

Don't feel like you need to leave a comment on this post.  It's nice if you do, but this is more like a service announcement and anything important.  

I'm sure I'll return in few months all refreshed.  

Thanks for reading.
Double thanks for writing a comment.
See ya next year.  



  1. Did the BIG weekend of convention gaming push you over the top? Perhaps you are exhausted or suffering PTSD? Perhaps we will know the answers when you return? It's gonna be sad watching you slip down the Top 10. You worked so hard to get there.

    1. PTSD is something you get from stress and fear. And wargaming conventions do not generate stress and fear. Children do though. Family PTSD?

      I see it more as going out while at the top.
      I was just looking at my calendar and see that I'm gonna be really busy, so having one less thing to do would be nice. Circle back when I have more time and the internet will have missed me and my foolishness. 😁

  2. I'm glad you took the trouble to inform us as I always wonder what is happening when bloggers go quiet for a while, hoping that nothing is amiss.I will miss reading your blog as it always gives me a chuckle. One silver lining though, it looks like I'll be moving up to third on Jonathan's honour roll...

    1. That is a silver lining in a Zero Sum world!

    2. yeah, I always wonder too. Nothing amiss, It's kinda like I have a wargaming season from Jan - Sept and the rest of the year gets dominated by other stuff that would not be fun to blog about. and less fun to read. 😁
      Why settle for third?

  3. All the best Stew and thanks for the heads up. I will miss your blog but understand that it takes a lot to write up.

    1. thanks Ben. I'll still look for you post on ACW confederate zombies....

  4. Stew, I very much get it. Good luck with the break, work and family stuff will keep you spinning 1000 plates anyway. When you return, I will of course expect the construction of the Bull Run battlefield to be the subject of your first post …. or a Viking raid with your marvellous ships, there is much goodness in your collection. Cheers Norm.

    1. thanks Norm. Appreciate it.
      I was thinking an Antietam battlefield. 😁

  5. I don't know, the young people these days, no staying power. Where would this sort of attitude got us at D Day?!
    Your inane drivel will be missed Stew, as will your comments on many blogs I regularly visit, but none more so than my own. Take care, have a good Christmas and see you in 2024....January, hopefully!

    1. Thanks Keith. I don't know how many tubby mid-forties men like myself were at D-day. But these days young people need safe spaces and trigger warnings...
      and in a month you'll barely miss me, but nice of you to say, 😁

  6. Your dry humour and wit will be very much missed this side of the pond Stew! Enjoy your break, have fun doing other stuff and we all look forward to seeing some of your restored pseudo erotic Eygptian pottery when you come back. At least I might now climb over you and Keith to claim top spot on Jon's PWJ;).

  7. See you on the other side all refreshed

  8. Sounds like "real life" takes precedence; it happens!
    Personally, I much prefer the toy soldier fantasy life to the real one and blogs are part of that.
    Look forward to your return when we all ask "Stew? Wasn't he that guy into ACW and erotic Egyptian pottery? Didn't he disappear a while back? Didn't he used to be famous or something?" ☺

  9. I’ll miss your posts mate, yours is the funniest gaming blog out there. Hope you don’t take too long away.

    1. Thanks Mark. Oly a couple of months or the rest of my life. 😁

  10. See ya later, alligator! We will be here waiting.

  11. Well, you certainly will be missed. You will remain on my Blog List.

  12. If you feel you need a break from blogging, then take a break, after all this is something we do because we want to. I shall miss your comments, and look forward to the time you feel you can return.

    1. thanks Dave. yeah, just need some time away to focus on other things that are more important than toy soldiers and strangers on the internet. BUT just barely. 😁

  13. Enjoy the break my friend. As with the last time you went on a hiatus, I and many others will be here for when/if you return, ready to encourage and applaud your hobby efforts and so forth.

    1. Thanks Dai. I'm actually gonna write bunch of amazing posts in secret so later on I can post 3 times a week. 😁

  14. Real life happens......
    I'll look forward to your return.
    When you do, I'm sure we'll all be wondering... "Stew? Wasn't he that guy into ACW and erotic Egyptian pottery?" ☺
    (This is the second time I posted.....first disappeared! No idea how that happened....)

  15. Having made No.1 on Jon's blog, there are no more worlds to conquer..
    Enjoy your break, we'll miss you, but take your own time.
    (btw what if while you are away, everyone decides that a different Civil War is the Best Civil War? 😀 )

    1. GASP! Could such a thing happen??!!! Madness.
      Might need to rethink this......

      Thanks David

  16. Good luck have fun, thanks for letting
    us know, soon I will be fourth! Insane laughter!!!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, It is insane to be happy about being 4th....

  17. Posted twice but they disappeared - odd!
    Will miss the wit; enjoy that pottery!

  18. Nooooooooo! I have just started following your blog after your really neat description of your Gettysburg terrain work and convention game and NOW you are forsaking my entertainment? How unfair after sparking my ACW interest.

    Seriously, enjoy your time off and take care of kids/dogs/wife, etc. I'll be looking for your return and another "Why the ACW is the BEST Civil War" tune.

    Thanks for your entertaining blog!

    P.S. Why did your convention game last so long? Was it a function of you all having a great time, or did it just take a while to play given the RFF rules? I am very interested in this ruleset and the miniatures after your stirring reports. Thanks.

    Paul Povlock

    1. Thanks Paul. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the blog so far. Blogs can be some of the best free entertainment on the internet you can have with your pants on. 😀

      In answer to your question; it’s a combination of it was a convention game so there are breaks; rules instruction; it being a large scenario etc…. Also RFF does play a little slow compared to some other rules. But I like them a lot. 😀

  19. This is terrible news Stew! Whenever the drudgery of every day life gets to me I can always petty much guarantee that Stew's gaming stories can give me the lift to get over it all. You will be missed.

    1. Thanks Mark. I know it’s a Terrible Loss. 😀
      Get it? A terrible loss? Bc the blog title is A Terrible L- I’m sure you got it.

  20. I always enjoy seeing what you're up to and you will certainly be missed over the hiatus. On the flipside, I'm confident you'll come back refreshed and renewed hobby-wise though and I look forward to seeing you make a triumphant return!

    1. Thanks Jeff. If by triumphant you mean everyone going “Stew Who? “ 😀

  21. Well so long and thanks for all the fish! Looking forward to your posts and comments when you return.

  22. A thousand apologies Stew, I only saw this now! But better lte than never I suppose.

    I’m sorry to see you ride into the sunset - your blog was no doubt the funniest in circulation. Hope you’ll eventually find the time and inspiration to make a comeback. You know, just like in the old western movies when all hope is lost and suddenly the distant blaring of a trumpet announces the arrival of the cavalry. That sort of thing….

  23. Haha, well I'm off the blogs most of the time. So you'll probably be back by the next time I get around to checking.

  24. Take care Stew and looking forward to seeing and reading more of your fabulous and always entertaining posts.

  25. Look Stew, this is just not on. I have not been 'around the blogs' for ages, finally get time and mojo to do so and you p!ss off!
    I look forward expectantly to seeing your blog pop up with a new post in the not tooooo distant (even sooner now since you posted this back in mid September!
    Regards, James
