Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Quar Smorgasbord (trench board Pt 4 too)


Or perhaps you would prefer a potpourri?

Epic Hobby Weekend

Ever feel like you were just spinning your wheels wasting time doing a bunch of small projects only vaguely related? little progress here, little progress there, but nothing feels complete? 
Then things kinda come together and finish at the same time in one epic hobby weekend.
It's a rush!  Things jump forward with multiple endorphin hits.  

It's like one of those cooking shows where five simmering pots and pans and the oven timer goes off and suddenly things are done at once.  

Now I have something to blog about, and it makes me happy.
You have something to read about, and that makes you sad.
Just the way of the world.

Service today is a little Miniature Gaming Medley.

(The Swedish Chef is the only cooking show I enjoyed)


Once can't make terrain all the time (even though I kinda have been), and in between I put paint to miniature when there wasn't anything better to do.  Six more Quar Crusaders join the cause today.

Close ups

These are my first of the newer hard plastic range.  I find it...challenging... to get the arms in the right places.  But other than that I really like the miniatures.  

In fact I'm very much enjoying the whole Quar project.  I'm SO into it I even joined Facebook for the first time just to I could be a part of the Quar discussion group.  I told myself that I'm joining Facebook for my daughter's sake, because she's gonna want to be on it soon (being 11) and I had better at least have an idea of what it is.  Being an old out of touch dad is lame.  

I can totally see how Facebook is a giant endless rabbit hole.   Also Cool, because it dials you into the groups / areas that you find interesting.  Also scary, because a computer program learns you VERY fast.  


According to the plan for the "This Quar's War Trench Terrain Board" the third board would also feature another bridge, but smaller.  I don't know why.  'The plan' was conceived so long ago that I don't remember what I was thinking.  But let's assume that past me knew what he was about. 
I didn't have another bridge laying around, so I had to make it.  I wanted the bridge done first so that I could assure that it fit over the trench; that it would be easier to cut the foam to the bridge than construct the bridge to the foam.  I dug out my Hirst Arts 'Fieldstone bridge' mold that I got years ago and casted up all the blocks.  It takes forever.  And I'm out of practice.  A skill more remembered than relearned.  

Bridge built.
Still in it's pale plaster white.
The same color that my skin defaults to. 
This one is 2" wide.
And since it's from the same mold it matches the larger one
seen in previous post.

The wood pile behind it is my ever-growing pile of planks for use later.

After I took this picture I tidied it all away in a Ziplock.
Started to take up too much room on my hobby desk
and kept reminding me of my backyard.

Trench Board

With the bridge done, I could move onto the third board construction.  And the Epic hobby weekend cumulated with the wife and daughter leaving town for a night and two days, leaving me with just the two boys.  Making sure to run them around ALL day outside in the heat, they went right to sleep at bedtime leaving me with an extended evening to cut foam while listening to inappropriate music.

mapping it all out.

The third board will feature a T junction for the big wide trench, a U shaped WWI style trench, the bridge, and a rocky cliff face (I also cast a bunch of rocks from molds while casting the bridge).

All cut out.

stone texture craved into the foam to mark where the bridge goes.

It's a big leap forward and the end of phase 1with the boards is in sight and soon I can start to make them look pretty versus just stuff glued together.

Surprise Convention:

I was not planning on attending Pacificon this year, the only out of town con I usually attend.  Bills being bills and times being what they are, I didn't think 3 nights in a hotel was a necessary expense. 
I probably bitched about it a few times, because my wife got me a ticket as a Father's Day present.  Before I could complain that it wasn't so much the ticket price but the hotel (besides, if I hosted a big enough game I could get in for free anyway) and I thought we were trying to save some cash she told me that she had worked it out with her parents that I could sleep at their house (which is about 45 mins from the convention hotel). 
-truth is- I had already thought of that and rejected the idea.  I get along with my in-laws just fine, but they are the sort that would 'wait for me just to make sure I got back safely' even though I'm in my late 40s and the caretaker of 3 of their grandchildren....  plus, I'm in my late 40s and I'm gonna couch surf at my inlaws?  LAME.  but it was decided for me.  I have a nice wife.  

The week after my friend Mr. DR. told me that I could stay in his hotel room for free.  He's a nice man.
So I'm going.  And since I have paid admission, I can wait to the very last second to decide if I want to run a game or just be a player the whole weekend.   

Blog Birthday

This Terrible blog is 7 years old this week.  This is the 181st post.  
Thanks to everyone whose reads this Terrible blog and double thanks to everyone whose wrote a comment to let me know they read it.  I KNOW it's mostly a waste of time, but hopefully the blog is at least mildly amusing so that:

Sometimes I think that my blogging time is ending.  But then I think "what else am I gonna do while at work?"  

Till Next Time


  1. You are making Quar very intriguing. I'll have to check it out at this rate. Congrats on the blogaversary, and also thanks for telling me I'm more productive than I thought - I've been blogging for less than three years but have 187 posts so far! Not to downplay your achievement, but I've been feeling down and slow about my own writing.

    I will keep that meme about time-wasting in my heart. Well done, and I'm glad you're still enjoying this after all this time. Very inspiring.

    1. Thanks Jennifer. 187 in less than 3 years is a LOT. Glad I was inadvertently able to validate it.
      I tend to only post about 2-3 times a month TOPS which is partly a reflection of how slow my hobbiness goes and how little I actually have to say. 😁
      My enjoyment of blogging waxes and wanes to be honest. There are times when I'm really into it and others I feel like I am just going through the motions. Just like family. πŸ˜†

  2. Great work on the trench board Stew! A second bridge for "a bridge too far" scenarios? 😊

    Your wife is being very kind to you. Has she bought something that she will surprise you with when you get back? Like 5 pairs of shoes or a new couch. πŸ˜‚

    Thanks for all the effort you put into your blog. It is great to read and one of the blogs I follow that I look forward to the next post.

    1. Thanks Ben. Very nice of you to say that you look forward to the next post. I like to think that somebody does....
      I would hope that any surprise waiting for me would be new lingerie but I'm sure that's low odds. πŸ˜†

    2. Send her some photos of you in your PJ's using your hot foam cutter. Sure to get lucky then. 🀣

    3. LOL, well she has plenty of those already. Plus, living with the real thing. 😁😁

  3. You are really cooking in this post. Love the Quar-work. Very colorful. Congratulations on your blog anniversary and for warranting parole for the upcoming con. Did you ask why your wife wants you out of the house?

    1. Thanks Jon, good one.
      I didn't ask why she wanted me out of the house. She can't get into too much trouble though with 3 kids in tow. 😁

  4. Don't feel bad my friend, you are not the onto person with too many irons in the fire, I think that is almost a requirement in his hobby. I too know that buzz when a project (or better yet several) are coming along nicely, your Quar look great, your terrain project even better. Eight years is a good start! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks Anton. I generally don't like having too many projects on the go at once, I feel to scattered, though it's a big payoff when they all get complete near enough the same time. The you feel like hobby FIRE! 😁

  5. A positive pot-pourri of stuff to waste my morning reading StewπŸ˜‰πŸ˜†! Still what else would I be doing whilst SWMBO is sound asleep in bed? Enjoy the Con and look forward to reading all about your adventures...

    1. thanks Steve. Course you would just read some other terrible blog.... but not enjoy it as much.πŸ˜†

  6. Great work!
    Love the bridge, looking fantastic!

    1. Thanks Michal. The Hirst Arts blocks tend to make some neat looking stuff. 😁

  7. 7 years isn't bad going Stew...congrats!
    Your projects are all cool snd coming along nicely.
    Your wife does sound like....a typical wife...will she be grumpy that you prefer dossing down with your mate than sleeping on the in laws couch??

    1. Thanks Kieth. naw, they're fine with it, not really a big deal. 😁

  8. Great to see more Quar across the painting table. Can't wait to see the trench boards finished, one of those things I'd love to do, but lack the space

    1. Thanks Neil. I'm hoping to make more progress on the trench boards this weekend. Course, after they're done, I'll need to make some Quar-specific scatter terrain. 😁

    2. exactly Ben. I have an idea to use egg cartoons to make some anthills stuff.
      plus a Quar houses, a windmill (Quar seem to have windmills everywhere), some more trenches...

    3. egg cartons is an eggcellent idea 😊

    4. My eyes just rolled so hard they knocked over the person next to me. 😝😝

  9. Lots going on Stew.....
    It's always good to achieve a measure of progress, otherwise it's a bit like work, slogging along because you have to.....
    You have relearned some skills and even earned a reward!
    If yours is a terrible blog.....what about some of the others? At least yours is entertaining and communicates your enthusiasm......
    I think blogs represent all those different people in wargaming; the cool kids like you Stew or old Bill and his ongoing obsession with the lace colours of the 53rd foot, or Gary "hey look, I painted three figures!" Whether it's a waste of time ; what else were you going to use that time for?
    Faceplant; now that IS a waste of time and mental energy.....watch one cat video if you dare!
    You got at least another 7 years of blogging in you.....wars have lasted less than that!

    1. Thanks Neil. I only call this blog terrible because it's a play on the title (A Terrible Loss of...). And I think it's funny. Naturally I don't think MY blog is terrible.
      Though you're correct that people have a blogging style for what best suits them. Some are more engaging than others. I try to shoot for some storytelling and stupid jokes.
      I will not be watching any cat videos. I once clicked on a comic and I swear now I'm bombarded with them. 😁
      I got at least another 19 posts in me, that will be 200. and maybe a nice time to re-assess.

  10. A very productive burst Stew. Positioning and gluing on arms is a pain. Good to see you got a proper bed for the forthcoming convention, although you could have said you were doing it for charity and got people to sponsor you. The bridge looks great and I can't wait to see the paint applied.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. I didn't think of the charity angle. I could of set up GoFundMe page and everyone could of contributed 25 cents. 😁

  11. Going to Pacificon is awesome! And you do often mention being too busy to play games when you run one...

    Nice to see more Quar and the progress on the board, I am sure they will look amazing when you are done, AND be really fun to play on.

    1. Thanks David. The hope is that it will have a super awesome appearance and be an interesting field to play on. At Pacificon there is a gap on Sunday evening where there isn't really anything on offer that I'm interested in playing, so might a host a small something then. Maybe even Quar, as I'm not painting these dudes for nothing.😁

  12. The Quar and terrain work is coming along really well, Stew. I really like that bridge. Looking forward to see it all finished.

    1. Thanks Mark. The Hirst Arts molds do come out looking pretty good. The effort is more casting all the blocks. 😁

  13. The Quar turned out great Stewart, and like the variation in markings on them as well. Great progress on the third board, unique but ties in well with the previous, now the real fun starts ! LOL
    Hope you have a great time at the convention, and as you already have a ticket, go just as a punter, so you have all the time you want to look at and play the games you want, and wander past the trade stands.
    Happy Blogoversary, definitely need to keep going, or you'll get bored at work, and the rest of us haven't got time to pick up your slack ! LOL

    1. Thanks Dave. I am looking forward to the next step where the boards should actually start to look like something close to terrain, and not just stuff glued together. If I paint the bridge it can count towards the terrain challenge yes? 😁
      There's a gap in the program at the con on Sunday night, where there isn't much going on that I am interested in. I might host a game that night. something small, maybe these Quar I've been painting?
      I have at least another 19 posts in me, to get to 200. That will be at least a year or so. LOL

    2. Yes the bridge on it's own will count, are you worried you wont get the boards finished in time.

    3. I’m not so much worried but absolutely certain that I won’t. 😝😝

  14. Great work on the terrain items Stew. I like the bridge. And a very Happy BlogBirthday!

  15. Ah those Hirst molds do take an eternity, I made one building and called it quits. And now you have two bridges for your units to go in and destroy.

    1. Thanks SD. The casting of the bricks does take a long time (and you always end up with tons of superfluous bricks) but they do look good in the end. My LOTR terrain is made from Hirst Arts and I like it a ton. 😁

  16. Those terrain boards are coming along very nicely. While fantasy/Quar is not my thing you’ve done a great job with painting, out of interest, in this genre is it possible to paint them wrong? Is there a lore/background that defines how they look or are you free to do as you wish? Enjoy Pacificon.

    1. Thanks TP. I appreciate the comment.
      No, there is no WRONG way to do it as it's fantasy. While there is a lore that says this faction or that faction wears this or that color uniform with these or those weapons everyone knows it's all made up and people do what they want and no one is pedantic about it. Even the creators are more like "the only rule is the rule of cool."

  17. Lots of good momentum this time around! The Quar look good and I really like the bridge you're working on. That will look great painted up. Congrats on your seven year anniversary as well! That is certainly something to be celebrated. I hope you enjoy your time on FB. It is a surprisingly good place to connect with people in your chosen hobbies. That is the only thing I thought it was good for before I left 6 or so months ago.

    1. Thanks Jeff. I’m hoping to make some more progress this weekend. I find FB to be alright so far but dislike when it goes into mode just showing stuff it thinks you want.

  18. Nice Quar and great progress on your trenches, it's always entertaining to visit your blog, so congratulations on seven years of it!
    Best Iain

  19. Well. That's seven years of wasted time that I won't get back! :)
    You have superior terrain-making skills Stew. That bridge is a ripper and the trench system is coming together brilliantly. It's gonna look just beaut once completed.
    I don't get the Quars (you'll be surprised to read), but I do enjoy your clever painting scheme of colourful little creatures inside bog-standard camouflage uniforms. Top stuff.
    Enjoy the convention. I vote for player and enjoying the show...
    Regards, James
