Friday, May 10, 2024

This Quar's War Project


GAWD I'm bored.  Is anyone else just insanely bored? I'm SO bored.  Yeah I'm busy, busy all damn day, but it's mundane and boring.  Sometimes I think I oughta start selling cigarettes and alcohol to minors, or gamble online by placing bets on fringe sports games that I don't know the rules for.   
Just something to add some excitement in my life.  

But there's probably a downside that I'm not seeing.
So instead, I'll start yet another wargaming genre.
Which is just as exciting, if not more so.  And probably just as expensive placing bets on weird sporting events.  

Who understands football anyway?  Nobody.

WTF is Quar?

As you might ask, and so you did.  A Quar looks like this:

Quar are a range of miniatures by Zombiesmith recently partnered with Wargames Atlantic.  Quar are usually described as Anteater humanoids with vaguely world war / 1930s tech.  
They're the kind of a miniature range that people either immediately take to or immediately dismiss.
They're kinda silly. They're kinda serious.  They're kinda round in the middle.
I basically just described myself, so no wonder I like them.

Across the internet I can hear the sound of either collective eye rolling or grunts of excitement. 
Those two sounds can be hard to tell apart, they're remarkably similar.

If one is inclined, one can learn all about the Quar on this website: Rhyfler
Though can really be summed up with this question:
What if WW1 had been going on for 10 years?

Old is New, and Project Creep

Those pictures above are Quar that I painted a thousand years ago, back when I lived in the bay area, before wife and kids.  Nice to know that the paint job holds up, and not unexpected to know that my painting skill plateaued a long time ago.  

As in the real world, in the Quar world there are a couple of different factions. I have a smattering of the two main factions: the Royalists (Coftyran) and Crusaders.  Ya don't need the whole backstory.  Just know that Royalists have fancy blue uniforms like these:

Quar Coftyrans

and Crusaders have a more green American GI look like this:

Quar Crusaders

These have been sitting around unloved for about a decade.  Just like my oldest child.  Just like my pet dog... whatever it's name is.  Haven't seen it in a while.
For one reason or another, all too boring to go into, I never found a ruleset that I liked for use with these miniatures, and other projects kept taking priority (as projects do).

But my recent discovery of the Fistful of Lead rules got my brain going in a Quar-ky direction.  I devised a devious plan to make a small purchase of more Quar miniatures; just enough for small multiplayer scenario.
Fate struck, and fate struck hard; because coinciding with my renewed interest in this long dormant miniature range is that the line is getting updates with new plastic kits, resin blisters, new rules, etc..
Turns out, I'm topical.  Tuned to the zeitgeist of miniature wargaming.  Fingers on the pulse of a miniature line that almost no one has ever heard of.
Being as bored as I am, could not resist the little dopamine hits from retail therapy; I just
Small pile of potential.  Metal and resin.
I also think I got the last two Quar tanks left on the internet.

Because anything worth doing is worth over doing. 

What started as a small skirmish is now for a full scale war.  
Kinda like when I argue with my wife that eggs with a white shell taste better than eggs with a brown shell turns into "I never liked your brother or his kids" and one of us is sleeping the couch.

Rules for skirmish are settled on FFoL.  For large battle / large skirmish rules I'm looking at Bolt Action, or any other WW1 / WWII rule set that strikes my attention.  Suggestions welcomed.  

Best Get Painting Again

It's been almost a year since I've painted a miniature.  What a glorious year that was.  Could not last of course, nothing ever does.  Miniatures aren't gonna paint themselves, and the recent discovery of a leak in my roof means I can't afford to pay someone to paint them for me.  
Time to get back at it.  Now where did I put those paint brushes...this wet palette is dry as the desert.  

These guys are wearing uniforms, so batch painting is easy, and striking while enthusiasm is high, got right to it.   First up we have some freshly completed Quar royalists.   12 to be exact, most of these are new miniatures of the old metal sculpts (that made sense right?)  

Freshly painted Quar.

here are some close ups.
Not because my painting is all that terrific, but just so you can actually see them.

looking adequate.

Now to briefly focus on the new and exciting stuff. Here is one of the new resin blisters all done up.  These are the Royalist Trench raiders.

They guys are sensibly armed with grenades, SMGs, and swords.  

Group pic; all completed miniatures for the Royalists.
Old miniatures and new miniatures all together.

Bonus Fun

Here's something one doesn't get to do every day.  Some of the new miniatures I got were exactly the same sculpts as the old ones I had: So here's an opportunity to compare the same sculpt, painted by the same person, about 10 years apart... 


See!!  do you SEE???!
10 years makes a lot of improvement.  I'm like the epitome of Gladwell's "10 year rule."  

Whaddya mean ya can't tell them apart?   The older ones have the red skin and are on the left.

(grumble grumble) 

On That note, Time to Go 

Quar kinda hit a sweet spot for me these days.  They're definitely not human so I get a little fantasy / make believe play, a freedom to design things as I like.   But they're also not magical or science fiction, so no magic fire balls or super colossal killer unit types.  So games play like 'real' battles but with quirky miniatures that set a fun tone.  Kinda serious, kinda silly, lots of fun, like miniature gaming really is.  

I also have a zanny terrain project in mind that I'm looking forward to attempting.    

Thanks for reading.
Double thanks for writing a comment.
Till next time.
*Sir Wags-a-lot!  That was the dog's name.  


  1. Quite an unexpected restart to an old project. I don’t know Quar but look forward to seeing more. You have not picked up a brush in a year? Seems unbelievable.

    1. Thanks JF. It has been a year ish. The last project was the wooden wars and before that it was a terrain project. It was a nice break from that tedium. 😀

  2. Nice new project Stew! Yeah I am bored new figures to paint, still got seven months before retirement, we are going into winter here and no holidays due until August.

    1. Thanks Mark.
      Boredom really is the worst thing in the world. We’ll get through it somehow. 😝😀

  3. Interesting project, with crossing point of historical and sci-fi and its traditional FFoL experience sitting at a point that many historical gamers (only) would enjoy.

    Nice paint job too, both now and then! I would imagine the quirkiness of the figure helps keep the painting interest high. Top tip for a dogs name is just alway call them ‘Dog’.

    1. Thanks Norm. Yeah, overall Quar are really just an imaginations World War One style. 😀
      The miniatures are the sweet spot of having enough details for some interest but so much that it becomes more of a chore.

    2. Additional thought; they’re also slightly easier to paint bc the lack of a face. 😀

    3. And yet are somehow very expressive anyway

    4. That’s true as well. 😀

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal. They’re pretty good for me. 😀

  5. Really cool project. Very impressed with the painting and whoever did the sculpting managed to capture some very real / natural poses. Also a reminder that I must get a copy of FFOL at some point.

    1. Thanks Mark. The painting is just decent but as demonstrated; that’s what I can manage. 😀
      The sculpts ARE cool, and fairly unique.

  6. Fun looking figures and a great paint job Stew. I might get some of them to add to my 40k aliens.

    Hard to believe that you have time to be bored with the wife and kids to keep you entertained and busy.

    10 years - that is usual for a project when you have young kids. You start it when they are in primary school and finish it when they graduate from university 😂 At least that is my experience.

    1. Thanks Ben.
      The family certainly keeps me BUSY but I wouldn’t go so far as to say entertained. 😀

  7. If I got a nickel for every blog in my reading list that talked about Quar, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's odd that it's happened twice. Good luck on your next adventures with the Quar, should be a fun and quirky project!

    1. Thanks Space. You’ll have to let me know the other blog, so we can share in our Quar-ness.
      It’s probably because the line is getting updated so it’s topical among a few of us. 😀

    2. Looks like Dave beat to me to the punch below, but it was Grumpy Gnome.

    3. Thanks SD; we've connected. 😁

  8. Nothing like a bit of retail therapy to give a buzz. Your paint work on these is terrific, the figures really pop. I was surprised when you said you haven't painted anything for a year, but you did complete a lot of those wooden wars figures.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. I do think the figures have a cool look to them. Kinda like a WWI soldier wearing an old medical mask from the Black Death. 😀
      I’m not counting the Wooden War stuff as painting as it was done with a paint pen, so more like coloring. But I did do over 300 of them. 😝

  9. I guess I am probably an eye roller when it comes to the Quar, Stew, but then, I guess a lot of people find my fascination with female figures of all genres and eras quite odd, so those living in glass houses and all that...
    I have seen Quar on a blog recently, too...and I think it was Donnie at Busy doing Nothing...
    Re Norms canine naming suggestion, when I met my wife in the UK in the late 80s, we shared a house with about ten others, and had a feline pet called Dog!
    And with that, a great segway...time for me to take our 🐕 for a 🚶‍♂️

    1. Thanks Kieth. You might not share any interest in the Quar but I’m definitely on board with the fascination on female figures.. which sounds more naughty than it is. 😝
      You’ll have to let me know the other blog with some Quar; so we can link up and not feel isolated from all the eye rolling. 😝

    2. Your wish is my command, Stew! I literally just saw this one ....
      and here is Donnies blog that I mentioned earlier

    3. Thanks Kieth and good looking out.
      I’ll check them out and drop a line in Quar solidarity eventually. 😀

  10. Always good to resurrect an old project. The FFoL rules are a good starting point to get gaming with those figures you have painted.

    1. Thanks Peter. I’m thinking of a great FFoL game for 6 players with these unique miniatures.
      Least I’m hoping it’ll be great. 😀

  11. Stew you know you are getting old when you can dig out old projects from decades ago....even if it's just one!
    I've gone through periods of not picking up a paint brush, but I try to get myself to do some, however minor. If it's a chore, that can become boring.....
    It's the cleaning up I hate.......

    1. Thanks Neil. But it’s decade singular, not decades plural. So not THAT old. 😀
      Looking at my blog I was doing tons of stuff, just not painting miniatures. lol.

  12. I used to get so bored at work, even when busy, as it was impinging upon stuff I wanted to be doing but couldn't! These days I'm no longer bored because I'm a parent/carer with (famous last words) plenty of free time to do my own stuff. I've never seen the Quar, so a new range to me, but they look kinda cute!

    1. Thanks Steve. They are kinda cute, but also DEADLY Serious. 😁
      I'm bored ALL the time.

  13. Wonderful work on both the old and new Quar Stewart, and yes I can see the difference between the two, as you contrast your shading more than you used to ! LOL Another blogger I follow, has been showing all the updates on these as they appear, so knew exactly what you were talking about ! LOL

    1. Thanks Dave. The only real difference is that the new ones are washed with army painter strong tone, as that didn't exist 10 years ago and I didn't know what a wash was. I'm tempted to apply some to the older models.
      You'll have to tell me who this other blogger is, so that I can stalk their page. 😁

    2. You can find his stuff here

    3. thanks Dave. good looking out. I'll have to give it a look. 😁

  14. I really like the Quar, they're fun and the rabbits in the basement blog has got loads of stuff, good to see your painting hasn't deteriorated as well!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks Iain. I guess that's a good way of looking at the positive. While my painting hasn't gotten any better in 10 years, it hasn't gotten worse either. 😁
      glad you like the Quar as I'll be subjecting you to more of them. but you know, in a friendly way.

  15. Hey, found you!
    How/where did you find the tractors?! I'm totally not jealous. :)
    Your quar look great.

    1. Thanks James. glad you found it. I appreciate the comment. 😁
      tractors: I know RIGHT??!! talk about super luck. I got them from Troll Hoard games and I just happened to get lucky, and I'm pretty sure they were the last 2 ever, though I do look from time to time. Hopefully with all the new updates to the line the tractors will be a part of it.

  16. Love the Quar, and have been following the line ever since I saw the first sample figure on TMP back in the dark ages. Never got into it though, although with new plastics, and wider distribution, it would have been harder to resist.

    But, now you have them, so I can enjoy them without spending any money or painting! ha!

    1. lol. Thanks David.
      No worries, I feel the same way about battle tech. I don’t need robots; I’ll just use yours. 😀

    2. I think the correct term for that is "win win".

    3. Yes indeed. should get together soon. I'll look at my calander and have my people call your people.
      (I don't have any people).

  17. I'd also suggest - I have noticed his posts but my reaction was 'WTF is a Quar?' , so you have explained that for me, anyway! Good for you, it's always good to resurrect a project and get those 'long-ago painted but unused' figures on the table.

    1. Thanks Annon. I appreciate the link and comment.
      I've connected with Mr. Rabbit (James) so we can be Quar brothers. 😁

  18. Well, reading about the Quar certainly shook ne out of the doldrums.

    1. Thanks Ed. That's what friends with blogs are for. 😁

  19. Great work Stew, loving it all! Quar for the win!

    1. thanks Rick. Nice to meet you. appreciate the comment. I hope to provide you with some more Quar in the near-ish future. 😁

  20. I was about to comment that you're now the second person who are into Quar and here I see that Rick beat me here :) I'm glad you two are aware of each other since you're working in the same space. I'd never heard of Quar until Rick bought some and now they're spreading like ants (see what I did there?)! I think what you've painted looks great and I think these also suit your painting interests well too. Do you have terrain you can use for them already or will you be making new stuff for them? I'll be curious to see where the Quar fight!

    1. Thanks Jeff. Yes, I see what you did there. 😀
      People have been kind enough to have pointed out some other blogs with some Quar content so we can unite. 😀
      I don’t have any specific Quar terrain yet. After I paint up the necessary miniatures I’ll be making a terrain board.

  21. I have built some Quar scatter terrain for rural settings
    Western Front WW1 trenches, etc work too.

    1. Yes James, I’m well aware. I’ve already gone through your back catalogue. 😀
      I especially liked the idea of the bug boxes.
      I have several ideas for builds and such but all for the future.

  22. Looking forward to seeing them

  23. Interesting figures. Tempted... I've got Fistful of Lead but have not got round to learning it. Been meaning to.

    Bored. I know the feeling. Haven't done much at all lately, partly because I have so many things to do I can't settle on one. I look forward to seeing what more you do with these.

    1. Thanks Jennifer. I like the FFoL rules muchly, they are not hard. I wrote a review of FFoL back in Feb this year, in case you're interested.
      Good luck on picking a project. 😁
