Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Deja Vu

 This post will cause a sense of Deja Vu for the regular readers.    Which I'm always surprised that I have.  You can probably just skim down to the bottom. 

Deja Vu Tokens

Continuing on from the last post, I've made some more dark age themed counter tokens.  

26 more super theme-y dark age tokens

There are now around 50 of these things, and that SHOULD be enough to fit all of my purposes.  

For more Deja Vu sensation; I've also made more dice holders for the 5mm dice.

You could call these Deja Dice.  But that Kinda sounds like a porn star. 

I think I have supplies enough to make around 50 of these as well.  But I'd like to try them out in an actual game first just to see if they aren't too faddily to actually use.

Deja Vu Bases

Continuing on with the grinding out of the big battle bases.  Here are 4 more of the 10 man bases with Anglo Saxons on them.  Yay!  

There they are, all base like.  

Deja Vu Objectives

No wait... these are new-never-seen before.  

I didn't mean to make these.  I just ran out of suitable weapons for the counters and had 4 little bases left over with nothing to put on them.  

Two Objective markers  I decided to make into "fairy rings" because when I had the idea; I liked in theory but I'm not so sure it came off in practice.   But in any case they'll do to mark an area of ground that needs to be fought over while not getting in the way.  Lots of games require such markers.

Earning some Hubby Points

We've talked before about Hubby Points.  Sometimes called $Hubby bucks$.  These are the things you earn by being a good husband and father that you store up and spend to go play games later on and ignore your wife and children.  I just spent all mine on my recent game weekend so am in dire need of some more.  Every man earns them differently; I mainly get hubby points by doing the dishes, folding clothes, watching Jane Austen movies, and vacuuming the floor without being asked.  Flowers help too.  When you have a baby like I do there are extra opportunities to earn points by changing especially stinky overburdened diapers.  

My wife is also the Girl Scout troop leader of daughter #1.  When she had the idea that a fun Girl Scout meeting would consist of racing mini-donuts down a track of some sort but then despaired of not having such a track; I capitalized on the opportunity to earn BUCCO Hubby Points by offering to build it.  

Then naturally put it off till the last minute.  But a promise is a promise and a promise to your spouse is more like sacred oath that if broken will call down the gods of vengeance.  

I made two.  One 'race track' down a long slope and one 'skill track' where the girls could try to aim the donuts going the slope into target holes. 
These weren't anything that had to be permanent so I made these out Foamboard that I got from the dollar store and a hot glue gun.  Spray painted blue with some painted details. 

The 'Race track"

Race Track in Action

My Daughter on the 'Skill Track" 

(These pics were from the iphone movie so aren't the best, but you get the idea.)
Afterwards the girls get to eat the donuts.
Protip: Powdered donuts make great racers.  

Like a lot of things in life about half way through these projects I realized how I could of done it better but it was too late to start over.   Just like my life overall.  

Thanks for reading.  Comments greatly appreciated.  Till next time.  


  1. I would have never thought about racing donuts. I mostly think about eating them, or the result of eating them. (I was just telling my horrified kids about my frequent middle school "lunch" of a can of Pepsi and hostess cupcakes)

    In any case, those ramps turned out quite well for a quick project. Hope it earned you the requisite points.

    The fairy rings are pretty clever too!

    1. Thanks Laz. I’d of never thought of such a thing either but my wife is the creative one. I built the ramps over a couple of nights and grunted and swore a lot so it seemed like a big hassle to increase the hubby value. πŸ˜€

  2. Well you have plenty of tokens now. Sadly I’ve eaten far too many donuts ! Perhaps I should have raced them instead

    1. I prefer donut eating to donut racing.

    2. As do most of us but women are strange creatures…πŸ˜€

      Lord I hope it’s enough tokens Matt.

  3. "Like a lot of things in life about half way through these projects I realized how I could of done it better but it was too late to start over. Just like my life overall."

    I don't know. You are a pretty good project-builder and philosopher.

    1. Thanks Jonathan! I do have a BA in philosophy after all….πŸ˜€

  4. I like the ten man bases and your new hobby of pretending that the donuts are for other people’s pleasure :-)

    1. Thanks Norm! I like the look of the 10 man bases too.

      And donuts for everyone I say! πŸ˜€

  5. GREAT POST STEW! Man I laughed with Hubby Points so much I tracked down my wife and read that to her. She laughed as well by saying “ He funny…and smart too!”. The jig might be up for me.
    I’m sure I saw DΓ©jΓ  Dice in some 1980’s flick about a detective with a penchant for the erotic, but that’s another story.

    1. Thanks Carlo. I’m happy you enjoyed it. I’m always a hit with other peoples spouses. That’s something Deja Dice would say. πŸ˜€

  6. Well done Stew and I hope you earned some "Browmie" points - geddit??! If it doesnt make semse in the US, Google Brownies (Scouting)..your philosophical statement, quoted by Jonathan, is, I fear, all too true of many of us.....

    1. Lol Kieth! Of course I get it. I should of thought of that one. If Only I could start over. πŸ˜€

  7. Okay, the "Go Nuts" on the Donut ramp is too good: double Hubby Points, I should think, for that added touch. Love the tokens, but the objective token concept is one worth stealing in particular (I have made objective markers, but they are orange squares with numbers: the idea of doing them as terrain bits, for some reason, had never occurred to me!).

    1. Thanks Ed. I’ll tell the wife that you awarded me double the points. πŸ˜€
      And steal away. That’s what blogs are for; sharing ideas.

  8. I’ll make sure to get a powdered donut the first time I participate in a race. Thanks for the tip!

    Nice markers btw!

    1. Thanks Mike. The things we can learn from the internet…πŸ˜€

  9. Nice markers and bases,donuts are great, I used to eat them for breakfast, back when I was on the tools and incapable of putting on weight, how times change!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Yes, time marches ever on. Now we both have to watch our diet. πŸ˜€

  10. Full marks on the parenting front! Did you come up with the name Go-Nuts? Excellent, who ever did. I am busy stealing your token marker idea for my Sudan project. I have a surplus of shields and spears on a few sprues and this is the ideal use for them as I need a way to mark the level of pinnedness (I think I just made that word up) for The Men Who Would Be Kings rules.

    1. Thanks TP. I did come up with that. And it’s not stealing but sharing. I ‘shared’ your idea of using brick embossed paper got chimneys on my AWI buildings. πŸ˜€

  11. Doughnuts and fairie rings, everything is cyclical it seems.

    Your daughter is lucky she has such a creative dad. :)

    1. Thanks Dai. I keep telling her how lucky she is. Maybe when she gets older she’ll believe it. πŸ˜€

    2. Keep dreaming mate! :)
      It’s our jobs as parents to resign ourselves to being taken for granted by our offspring

  12. All of the hobby progress looks great to me, Stew! I like the idea of flower rings as markers too. I'm always impressed by how much progress you make when you put your mind to it. My strengths seem to lie more in taking forever to complete a single thing :D

    Good job on putting together a "Donut Derby" racetrack too! In hindsight, racing cars, like we did in Cub Scouts is not nearly as cool. We didn't get to eat donuts when it was over for example! :)

    1. Thanks Jeff! It’s easy to make progress when none of the above projects require much skill; including the ramps.
      I was also a cub/boy scout (Eagle Scout actually) and I’m looking forward to those pinewood derbys and rain gutter regattas in the future. πŸ˜€

  13. Nice Dad work there Stew got to be worth a game or maybe two :)

    1. Thanks Tony. It ought to be; though hubby points have a terrible exchange rate. πŸ˜€
